Prologue 'Abandoned'

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Cold, dark, damp, alone. Lying in a small alleyway, the only thing protecting my small body from the cold was a dull blue puffer coat. Abandonment. I was abandoned after it happened, no one took me in, no one spared me a glance, not a second of their precious day they would spend helping me.

Their screams haunt me to this day. With every gunshot the screaming got less. First, my father was shot twice, once in the chest, then in the head. Second was my grandfather, shot once in the head. every time he shot; the killer would laugh even louder. My mother and older sister were both shot in quick succession, both in the head. The worst one was my little sister, only 9 years old, she was shot 5 times, the first 4 in the chest, the final one in the head. I couldn't make a sound, I couldn't move an inch because of the shock.

Jolting awake, I look around frantically, breath shallow, body shaking. I came to my senses and calmed down. I sigh and mumble to myself, "Every night since that night, I have had that exact same nightmare... When will it end?". I lay back down on the cold, hard concrete path and close my eyes, slowly, but surely, I drift off back to sleep. An image flashes in my mindscape, I was standing in front of a city, which seemed to be floating. Black, nightmarish creatures were brutally slaughtering civilians. Then another image appeared, I was in a ballroom, people were dancing, the speakers gave me the impression that there was music playing, and the tables were covered in a fancy white cloth, with drinks and food spread between them. I was wearing black suit trousers, a white long-sleeved formal shirt, a black waistcoat, with a pair of black Oxfords and a long, black tie. next to me was a girl with black hair with red tips, silver eyes, and she was wearing a red dress with a black ribbon tied around her waist.

For once after what had happened, I had slept extraordinarily well. I looked up at the sky and found it was late evening, so I picked up the gauntlets that my father helped me make, and I climbed up a lamp post to see my surroundings better. everything was ordinary until I jumped off, closing my eyes ready for the impact of the ground underfoot, but it never came, the sensation of falling persisted. I opened my eyes and saw something which would change the course of my life, forever. 

an alternate dimension? (male oc x Multiple Universes) (A RWBY fanfiction) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz