chapter 4

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(i'm terrible with making titles so i'm just not gonna make them)

(Orion pov)

i recognised Ayano from bijuu mike's and razzbowski's 'yandere simulator' videos on YouTube, but not to freak her out i said "who are you, and what are you doing here" and she replied with "i'm Ayano Aishi and i don't know what i'm doing here i just fell through a portal and ended up in the forest that i just came out of" as she said that an ursa came out of the forest, as soon as it came out i jumped into action, dashing towards it with my katana horizontal to hopefully slice it in two, but as soon as it made contact with the ursa it broke, after that, i remembered something all might said in my hero academia 'clench your buttcheeks kid, and yell form the depths of your heart!' "SMASH!" as i punched the ursa it was knocked back and followed by lots of wind pressureand i saw black smoke after the wind had died down then the realisations hit me 1: i used one for all and 2: my arm is broken. then ruby, yang and tai ran out with their weapons out (in this tai has brass knuckles) and said all at the same time "we heard an explosion! are you ok?" then they see ayano "YOU DID THIS DIDNT YOU!" yang yelled while ayano just looked confused about what happened so I stood up for her saying "it seems my semblance is not what I thought it was, I think it allows me to use any power I can think of. I think I'll call it..... All for one" (just go with it it was all I could think of)

(timeskip btyb chibi qrow chasing chibi orion for confiscating his flask)

After the events that lead to me discovering the true nature of my semblance, we brought Ayano in to give her a run-down of her situation, she was not believe me at first, but when I told her about her being from a game and us being in a show, she started to believe me and broke down crying saying "ill never be able to even see senpai again" to which I reply in a soft voice "I know it's hard to lose someone you love" she replies angrily with "HOW WOULD YOU, A 14 YEAR OLD, KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE?!" I raise my voice "I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE, BECAUSE MY ENTIRE FAMILY WAS MURDERED! ALL KILLED BY ONE MAN, FROM LONDON!" tears were running down my cheeks at this point but I didn't care "I AM WHO I AM TODAY, A 'HERO' WHERE I'M FROM, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT OTHERS TO GO THOUGH THE PAIN OF FINDING YOUR WHOLE FAMILY, DEAD INSIDE YOUR LIVING ROOM!" (huzzah some backstory for my oc)

488 words, I lost my passion to write if I'm being honest.

an alternate dimension? (male oc x Multiple Universes) (A RWBY fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now