The Flight pt. 2

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it was  h i m


You had a window seat, so it had been easy to sleep during the flight.  That was nice and all, but having the window seat meant that you were trapped in your row by two complete strangers.  You didn't think it was likely that you would have something to run from on the plane, but oh my fuccing hrrg thhe *gags* hhhe<

You never could have predicted  h i m.  And who is he you ask?  The man in the seat behind yours.  He seemed like a decent guy, but his fuccing hrrg thhe *gags* hhhis<

Pardon.  He had his bare foot sandwiched between your seat and the wall of the plane.  His hwwwwwooea ohsh ohno hel p      Pardon

His scraggly Dorito-shaped big toe nail poked your elbow, and it felt like your will to live started seeping out from the wound.  Never before had you experienced something so incredibly nauseating that you wanted to disappear into a crack and never come out again.  Even a butt crack would suffice.

God, you would never be able to sleep again.  The tohho oh ha oh no

The toe slid even closer.  You felt the hair on your arms, legs, and toes rise.  Even your pubes felt that it was appropriate to spring fourth from their year-long slumber.  They would begin to prepare for battle.

You frantically looked around to see if there was anyone willing to help, but there was no one.  You tapped the arm of the person next to you, no response.  You even reached over them to poke the person in the isle seat, but you got no response.  You were alone.

This was a predicament indeed, you thought.  Though, it was strange that no one else on the plane was conscious.  Strange indeed. 

That's when you heard it.  You felt it toO HHHRHGG    oh god

Slowly turning your head to look at the Dorito toe, you expected the worst.  The worst being that it would be gone, just like when you see a spider and it's not that scary, but you look away for a second and when you look back it's gone and your like wh- *shits pants*  That would be the worst.

Once your eyes met with the sandwich area of the chair/wall, your heart sunk.  You felt cold, like all the blood in your body had seeped out from the toe-induced elbow wound.  

The abomination was gone. 

There was really nothing you could do, other than stay completely still, like a cat after it drowned in a washing machine.

But it was impossible to stay still for long.  You felt something move, and to your horror, it had come from a place that no one should be able to get to.  No normal person, that is.  No, this Dorito toe was not normal, not normal at all.  

Breathing heavily, you look down to check if your battle pubes were ready to go.  Oh ohhHHOh nOo shart'  Your pubes had all been massacred.  

Who could have done this??  Was this the movement you had felt before?  Not likely, because you probably would have known if something foreign was nestled amongst the hairy trees in your ender forest.

After releasing the thin elastic band of your jock strap, it snapped against the soft, supple skin of your ender region.  My train of thought left the station long ago.

Filled with a new sense of determination, you stand up straight and puff out your chest like the alpha you are. You were going to find that stinking stinky Dorito toe if it was the last thing you do.

Your new sense of determination was short-lived unfortunately, for you hear a voice addressing you.  It was deep and intimidating, lowkey sounds like the kind of voice that a stanky Dorito toe would have, but you didn't want to jump to conclusions.

The conclusions jumped to you instead.  

"Fishy fishy fish, makin it stinky." the deep, resonating voice said.  

You whipped your head around to look behind you, but there was no one there.  You looked around, above, below, through, upside down even, but there was no toe in sight.  

"Fishy fishy fish, it's already stinky." the voice said.  Your soul did a triple toe loop.  lmao toe loop nice

There was only one place you hadn't checked yet.  A place that wasn't around, above, below, through, or upside down.  The place was inside.

The voice spoke again.  "It's too fishy down here.  Za (Toe)udo!""  You look down.  It had come from your jock strap.

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