Solving the Problem

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Three days after the plane incident, you finally decided to make that change.

Toe-that-must-not-be-named had brought it to your attention that you had an extra stinky bussy, and you assume that it most likely due to the rat that lived amongst your pubes.

Luckily, the rat 🐀 had been bludgeoned by the toe, along with your pubes, so the only thing to do now is deal with the stench.

God. You can smell it even without unzipping your pants, and you wonder how the hell you hadn't noticed it before the toe pointed it out. Also how the hell did the toe survive in there for so long?

I don't know, man. But anyways it's time to rinse that sucker.

3 egg whites. That'll do the trick.
(idk if egg whites are good for your box™️ or if they help with smells, but I looked it up and people actually use it as lube so idk you didn't hear it from me)

Just as the thought to use egg whites crossed your mind, a horde of egg-sized pink chickens sprung from your corneas. Must've been from the thot. thought*

The chickens blessed you with three holy eggs, which glistened as if they had been pissed on.

You then proceeded to piss on them, to get rid of the salmonella. They like it.

The kinky eggs got so heated that it cooked the egg whites, but that isn't a problem because it's better hard!

The chickens had ascended to their floating, pink dolphin-themed, cylindrical air submarine, so they weren't there to witness it.

Crack the egg shells with your spare jock strap. Do it fr. It'd probably work. No? Fuck you.

The author cracked the egg shells for you, pussy. You have no maidens, bitch.

Once the shells were properly removed (don't want any shards in there), you promptly stacked the slippery, glistening, squishy, holy, hard😏 boiled eggs perfectly on top of one another, making an incredible and fearsome egg tower. Then ya fucking just jumped straight on it fr even I haven't been penetrated like that -the virgin author

Well it's safe to say that it did the trick. The smell 👃🏻 is completely gone. Smells nice, is that Dove... definitely Dove.
Rody will think it tasty.

The eggs became scrambled in your gorilla-grip pubussy, and would make for a great meal on-the-go.

Fuck you.

Rody Soul x gn!readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora