idk waht to name this as yet

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Just pretend that Roy never said that absolute bs that he said at the end of s5 e1 cuz like...

When Roy came to town he always felt somewhat..... weird around tom every time he thought about tom he would remind himself of his sweet sexy voice his beautiful green eyes face.. and body " oh my god I'm gay for tom.." (so he quickly became homophobic and killed himself.jk) he looked outside and saw tom playing basketball with ginger and just started staring at tom with a smile on his face  and soon ginger noticed and said " hey is that Roy?"tom went to see but  Roy ran out of the way and hid with his heart racing. Tom just said "uhh nobody's there..?" "Hmm must of been seeing things" ginger said. Roy didn't know what to do with himself should he just straight up confess or what, that alone was the thing running through his mind. I so wanna make it seem like he told billy (tom) that he liked tom that would be so fun

Roy just wanted to tell him but decided to take it slow so he went  to a store and bought a very expressive phone and went over to toms house and knocked on the door. Heart pounding and he was sweating hoping that it wasn't tom to answer the door. Soon tom opened the damn door same fucking Roy wasn't hoping for "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" ran through Roy's mind it was really a long ass swear word.

Tom: wha- Roy?? What are you doing here

Roy: heeeeeeeeeeeyyy tom-o just wanted to give this to yooouuuu

He said blushing as he pulled the phone from behind his back and gave it to him

Tom: Roy is this a... New phone..???

Tom looked up from the phone box and saw that no one was there

Tom: uhhh Roy?

Little did he know the Roy was literally on the damn roof. Tom looked around for another few seconds and went back inside
Roy sighed and ran back to his house starting to regret what he just did

END OG CHAPTER 1 so thoughts? It's my first story so don't expect me to be good thinking to write another chap in like the next hour or sum.

tom x roy kill me I Told Yall To Stop Reading This😭😭 Where stories live. Discover now