where he go

153 4 12

Its that time of night again

I'm literally sacrificing my already horrendous sleep schedule for y'all so y'all better make this pop like dis pussy anyways shit boutta go down

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I'm literally sacrificing my already horrendous sleep schedule for y'all so y'all better make this pop like dis pussy anyways shit boutta go down

Tom:See ya.... boyfriend

Roy felt his his cheeks heating up like a stove

He was his boyfriend now... He celebrated happily beacuse the truth was finally out... And not only to tom and Ben

Ginger was outside his house watching the meteors and not only that he saw the whole Roy and tom thing go down to town his poor 7 year old eyes.. fuck you bitch

And he was gonna telllll. In the evening

Next evening ginger went to Angela who just just about to enter the garage and he spilled. The. TEA. On Angela

Ginger: and then they KISSED... TWICE..

Angela:THEY WHAT. but I thought tom liked me

She said with a tears in her eyes

Ginger: I guess he doesn't

Lmao he aint like your fishy pussy smelling ass and it's worse that you thought you could pull a man at all💀

Angela: somebody Is gonna die today


Ginger just walked away giggling while Angela ran home crying

Luckily she had a plan if something like this was gonna happen

At midnight she snuck into roys house and began searching for Roy, luckily enough she heard Roy yawning he was walking down the stairs she hid behind a couch so she wouldn't get noticed

Roy was just going down to get some water as he was pouring it out he kept hearing weird noises coming from behind him he didn't think anything about it so he just kept going on with his night just as he was done drinking he was put into a choke hold by a mysterious person covered in black
Roy: AH what the-

???: There there.. everything will soon be alright

Roy: is that... Angela...??

Angela: you think you can steal MY LOVE???!

They said while putting a cloth doused in chloroform over his mouth and nose
The last thing Roy heard was a laugh.. an evil laugh his eyelids began to feel heavy as he fell to the floor unconscious..

at least he got his water tho

Before anything else, Angela wrote on the fridge with fake blood " you will never have him back" after she slowly dragged Roy to her basement to hide him.

Ok next part to this coming in a sec idk why I touture y'all like this. Decaf ISTG if you're reading this rn the cringe is growing on me help.

tom x roy kill me I Told Yall To Stop Reading This😭😭 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt