hanktective 3 last part??

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Now this is Oscar worthy

Ben got one the cameras roy had set up and hacked it using his computer to see everything that went down last night

Tom watched in horror and Hank was literally examining everything that was on screen

At almost the end of the video they saw a glimpse of the kidnapper's face which confirms that it was Angela on the video Roy was pug into a sack and dragged like a sack of potatoes

Hank:quick let's go over to Angelas to find more clues they soon went over too Angelas apartment only to see Becca watching tv (don't fucking ask who that is)

Ben:Becca, we need to ask you some questions.

Becca: oh hey guys! Questions about what?

A few explanations later

Becca:oh now that you mention it I did see Angela dragging a large sack into her room dressed in black


*Angela, grunting trying to drag Roys heavy ass into her room*

Becca:uh... Angela why are you dressed in black... Dragging a sack into your room

Angela: uhhh it's just.... Music instruments... That I need

*"Music instruments" groans*

*Angela kicks bag*

Angela:hehe.. Yk instruments doing their.. instrument things...

Becca:uhh yeah totally I'm going back to bed


Becca: and I don't remember anything else

Hank: Alright thank you Becca

Tom: now let's go check her room she has to have something in there

*In her room*

They looked everywhere but couldn't get anything to show where she hid Roy. The last thing to check was her diary. Tom picked it up and hoped it would reveal something it had a lock so tom had to open it with his claw

As tom Hank and bæn were Looking threw the pages he saw A LOT. of fan art and fanfictions of her and tom they just had to look away in embarrassment some were romantic and some were 😓 I'll leave your minds up to that one.. ANYWAYS.

They finally found the secret..

" Found out tom was kissing Roy today felt kinda sad but now it's time for payback" *brief explanation of plans*
"And that's when I lock him in my secret basement behind my closet and touture him till he can't take it anymore can't wait for tom to be all mine."

Tom read this with tears flowing out of his eyes

Ben: ok guys it's time to get Roy NOW LETS PUSH THIS THING

" 3 2 1 PUSHHHH"

they managed to get the closet out of the way to reveal the door that had it all..

AND THATS IT BITCHES for now at least and by for now until tomorrow anyway TIME FOR BED tbh I shouldn't be up this late doing this but my best ideas come around midnight so..

tom x roy kill me I Told Yall To Stop Reading This😭😭 Where stories live. Discover now