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its ya bitch again ok so boom today/night we gon have some depressing ones WOOOOO

NOTE: this doesnt take place from the two chapters before it takes place during the one befor that 

hank: what would a door be doing behind angelas closet???

Tom: I just hope that where she's hiding roy

They opened the door only to see a small staircase. They hesitantly went down the stairs, while walking they could hear something of muffled crying

They start to pick up their pace as the crying got louder only to see a door they slowly opened the door to peak through

And they saw Roy shaking and crying with bruises on his face and a black eye
While Angela was slowly setting up a gun

Tom: oh my god.. she's gonna kill him..

Ben: what are we gonna do...

They both whispered

Angela slowly put the gun up to roys head as he began to cry even harder 

Roy: please no... Please no PLEASE NO!  I DONT DESERVE THIS

he said fearfully in his mind

Tom had enough of seeing his boyfriend like this, so he burst through the door and yelled


Roy: TOM!

He said happily in his mind

Angela: tom?!?! Oh so now you show up, now you get a  front row seat at seeing this IDIOT die.

Tom: Angela, no, please put down the gun this is insane

Angela: why should I? Only to watch you do the things I want to do with you ?!? No thanks.

Tom: Angela pleas-

Angela: it should be ME who goes on dates with you ME who wants to kiss you.. AND IT SHOULD BE US WHO WATCHES THE METEOR SHOWER WITH YOU

While Angela was distracted Ben walked around to behind her 
And began to untie him

Hank slowly started to approach Angela

Hank: Angela, I know your going through a lot but this isn't the way to handle it, can we please talk it out ?

Angela: NO! If I do this every thing... Would be just... How I want it ..

She said pointing the gun at Roy who wasn't in the seat


Roy with ben were slowly  slowly getting away

Angela growled and quickly aimed at Roy

Luckily enough Hank tackled Angela and held her down

Tom Ben and Roy were escaping


hank threw Angelas gun and made a run for it, he made it threw the door but not before a gun shot was heard going threw the door.

They made it upstairs.

Tom: is everyone alright

Roy and Ben: yes

They both gave an answer execpt Hank

Ben: Hank.. are you ok

Hank coughed in a violent way and blood started coming threw his mouth

Roy: Hank?!?

Hank started to feel light headed and he fell on his back

All: HANK!

ben rushed over to Hank picking him up, Ben felt something wet on his hand, it was blood

Ben: Hank... Did you get... Shot

All Ben got as response was more  coughing up of blood

Tom: we need to take him to a hospital and quick!

They all began rushing out, Ben was holding up hank

Becca: what's going on?? Omg Hank is he going to be ok?

Roy: we hope so

Tom: you need to call the police now Becca and get out of here Angela has gone insane and shot Hank not only that but toutured Roy.

Becca: oh my god... Don't worry I'll handle it

Hank Ben and tom and Roy ran out of the apartment hoping to get him to the hospital as quick as possible.

While running to the hospital Hank began to feel weak in his legs and fell to the ground

Hank: guys *cough* please.. don't Ive lived a good life..

Ben: NO! please Hank don't say that...

He said while crying

Hank: I'm sorry.. but please just leave me here...

Ben: but I never got to tell you...

Hank:*cough* well why don't you tell me now...

Ben:Hank... I-i- I love you... I always have, but I never found a way to tell you.

Hank: I... Love you too....

Ben smiled and cried happy tears

In Hanks last seconds of life he pulled Ben in for a deep kiss and Ben kissed back

Hanks eyelids started to feel heavy... and soon closed never  to open again. Hank finally passed.... Ben began sobbing and hugging Hanks lifeless body as Roy and tom tried to comfort him.

Nahh I be crying at my own shit cuz dawg LMAO 
This is also the last one for a bit hope y'all enjoyed.

the chapters after this bonuses go read this story to keep up before this story continues



just go on my account.

tom x roy kill me I Told Yall To Stop Reading This😭😭 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora