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Wherein Lisa invited her girlfriend to come over but Jennie knew there will be more than just watching TV and cuddling.



"Jen, you look so tense"

I blinked multiple times when I heard my friend, Irene spoke. I look at her and she was looking at me weirdly so I laughed a bit and cleared my throat.

"Oh uh it's nothing. I just remembered I'm having a report later at Ms. Watson's class. I'm nervous"

"But you're used to speaking in front of everyone. You're lying aren't you?" She squinted her eyes and I couldn't help but gulp.

"What's going on?" I heard another voice and Irene and I both looked up. I saw my other friend, Chaeyoung who's now holding a bag of chips and soda.

"Jennie here is hiding something from us"

"What? No, I'm not!"

"Uh-huh. Then why won't you tell us then?"

"Yeah Jen, tell us. Is something wrong?" Chae asked me worriedly and I know I'm making them worry so I just sighed and lowered my head.

"It's Lisa"

"What?! What did she do? Did she cheat on you?! I swear I'm going to ski--" before Irene could finish her words, Chae stuffed chips inside her mouth to stop her from speaking.

"Let her finish, Rene sheesh"

"Thanks, Chae. As I was saying, it's about her. But she didn't cheat on me, okay? She'll never do that"

"Then what's wrong? Are you guys on a fight?"

"No. She wants me to come over her house tonight since her parents are out"

Their mouths formed into an 'o' and nodded.

"What's wrong about it? You're just gonna watch a movie or something and then sleep right?" Chae asked but Irene's eyes widened.

"Oh my G, she wants you to come over and it's just the two of you?! Now I know why you're so tenseeee" she squealed like a a girl who saw her crush and Chae smacked her head.

"I don't understand. What's going on?"

"Ugh Chae, you're so freaking innocent as hell"

I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes as my two friends continue to bicker.

Lisa and I have been in a relationship for 3 years now. We didn't do anything other than kissing and holding hands. Whenever we sleep at each other's houses, our family are present and we're not allowed to lock the door.

Sometimes, Lisa would sneak in my room just to make out with me and she's really needy. Like a lot.

I sometimes let her grope me but I didn't let her touch me down there. She's patient and she told me she can wait and I kinda like promise we'll do 'it' once we turned 18 and our 18th birthday was 2 months ago. I'm 3 weeks older than her.

She didn't bug me about it but I know she's looking forward to it. I didn't want to let her down. I love her and I'm willing to give my whole being to her. It's just that, it's going to be my first time and I'm freaking nervous.

"Jen, stop thinking about it too much. I'm sure Lisa will take care of you"

"Thanks Rene"

"I still don't understand"

We chuckled at Chae's innocence and we continued eating.

I'm currently getting some books out of my locker together with my two friends when I smelled s familiar scent.

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