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Imagine writing fanfiction in english class instead of paying attention
couldn't be me lol

the vid above is the song the title is inspired by btw <3

Anyways, Woo story update

Content warnings:



Mention of throwing up


b l o o d


slight mention of gud ol trauma

Haha fun

Title: there goes the friendship

Pov: Quackity

I turned my head up quickly, already suspecting who i would see, standing in the doorframe, yet refusing to take a look to confirm my suspicion.

Since tommy had two brothers, there were actually two people that could be standing there. Techno, a pretty big guy with his hair dyed pink. Looks pretty intimidating, but hes in the football team, and actually pretty nice. We aren't friends or anything, but i doubt he would walk up to me and cuss me out. The voice didn't match either.

And the other option was Wilbur.

Just thinking about him, i got this weird feeling in my stomach. It wasn't a nice feeling like the ,oh yeah my good ol friend, so nice to see you!' like it used to be.

It was a mix of guilt, anxiety and sadness. With a sprinkle of disgust at myself. If my feelings were a recipe, one would probably throw up after tasting it. (damn)

I dont even need to taste it to feel my stomach turn itself inside out.

And as I turned my back to look at the person, crossing my fingers that they wouldn't be the middle child of tommys family.

But my hopes were crushed as I looked into the tall boys brown eyes, filled with anger.
It was the same feeling I had yesterday, when I met him in the hallway.

Great, now that I thought about it I felt even worse...

And the best thing is that I don't even really have a reason to be like this to him. Well, I do, but the actual reason I cut him off was pathetic, and noone exept me knew about it. Not sapnap, not karl or george. Nobody exept me.

,,I asked you something" I heard wilbur say, who i had been staring at for about 30 seconds.

I snapped back to reality, as I felt his angered look that felt like it was drilling through me (guys pls if that sounds weird, im just translating german sayings lmao-)

,,Oh im just talking to him, right tommy?", I answered the brunette in a sarcastic tone whilst looking at the slightly uncomfortable tommy (WDYM SLIGHTLY)

Scrawny motherf*cker [DSMP highschool AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon