Chapter 4

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Valarie's pov

Tonight some of my troops and I decided to raid a small town. They are having a celebration. My men thought it would be a good idea to check it out. Since they claim that nothing interesting has happened as of late. And things have gotten quite boring. What I did not expect however was that I would see her.

From the moment my eyes land on her. It's as of I'm caught in an enchantment and I cannot look away. Something about her keeps leering me in. I felt an instant connection to her. As though I've been searching for that one thing my whole life. Such feelings are very foreign to me.

I have read about such feelings. From historical romance books and heard great tales about from my grandmother. Their feeling I thought I was devoid of. Feelings that I thought I couldn't possibly posses. But here I am bewitched by the human sitting not many meters away from me.

My troop begin crashing the celebration while I stand aside and watch it all unfold. Loud screams can be heard. Many humans start running away. Some of them stay and try to fight back. But of course their not strong enough.

When the other humans start running so does the girl. However she is not alone. Her and her group run towards the forest. It would have been a good idea if vampires were not gifted with an amazing sense of hearing and vision.

They are going to be caught sooner or later. I want to see how this one ends but I also want to have some fun here.
I walk out of my hiding place and grab the human nearest to me. Which happens to be a blond headed woman with green eyes. She's quite beautiful but not as beautiful as her.

I immediately sink my teeth into her pale neck and she let's out a loud screech from the pain. I drink from her until I've had enough. I then toss her lifeless body onto the ground, and wipe the blood that's dripping off my chin.

Now that I'm done and my thirst had been replenished. It is time to check how my grey eyed human  and her friends are doing. Using my heightened hearing I'm able to track them down. I start running in that direction.

Upon arrival I'm met with a very gruesome scene. Most of her companions are ripped to shreds. Only a few are still up and running. I'm surprised she's made it this far. She looked so innocent and defenseless when she was sitting by the fire earlier. But then I guess it's all thanks to the boy holding her hand and dragging her away from my soldiers.

I let out a scoff . "Pfft what can he do." Something about the boy makes me very uneasy and so I decide that he must go.
I increase my speed and soon I'm behind him. I yank his body by the back of his coat throwing him a few meters away. At last his grabby hand is off the rabbit and that pleases me.

What I did not realize was that eliminating him leaves the girl defenseless. She is grabbed and thrown into a tree. She groans out in pain and holds on to her arm. She's hurt. The vampire who threw her. Walks over to her and I recognize him as Base. One of the younger vampires in our troops. He's ruthless and will not show the girl any mercy.

He starts taunting her but she fights back. He doesn't seem to be too happy with that. He suddenly grabs her by the neck and hoists her up into the air. Leaving the legs are hanging.

She wants to fight back but the poor thing has no strength left. He unsheathes his fangs and bites hard into her swan like neck. I think it is time for me to intervene. The thought of him taking her life sickens me.

The color is slowly fading from her face. And she's turning an ugly shade of grey. Which I do not like. I sprint towards them and whisk the girl out of his grip and into my arms. Saving her from her impending death.

The boy then looks at me with lividity. Ready to attack me for having disturbed him from his feeding. However he decides against it when he quickly notice who I am. He immediately kneels and says."Apologies my queen. I didn't know you wanted the girl."

"It's alright" I look down at the girl I'm carrying in my arms, she dying slowly. "But she's not." I say. "She lost a great amount of blood and she's fading."

I carefully lay her body on the ground and get on top of her. "Wha...t are youu doing to me." She stammers out. Hitting my shoulders with weak punches.

"Relax I'm just going to restore some of your strength and blood. which Bade here happily drained. I say maliciously.

"Again I'm very sorry about that. I didn't know that you knew the girl."

I stare at her beautiful face getting those weird feelings again. "I do not." I simply say which leaves Bade in confusion.

I bite into her neck Injecting her with my venom, to heal her. She starts struggling beneath me and I take both of her hands and restrain them above her head. I finish injecting the venom and she stops struggling. The venom was already strating to take affect. The colour was returning to her face.

"She's going to live but she'll need to spend a great deal of time in bed. To recover her lost strength." I say looking over at Bade. The cause of all this entire mess.

"Come on"

I stand on my feet and lift the girl in my arms bridal style, and start walking in the direction of my castle. "Where are we going? " Bade asks retorically.

"To the castle she needs to rest." From the look on his face. I can tell he wants to question my decision but quickly decides against it. Remembering just how much power I have over him.

"Okay your majesty."

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