Chapter 13

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Valarie's prediction proves to be true, for as soon as we enter through the castle doors the rain starts pouring outside. I stare at it in melancholy. I don't like rain very much. The thought of being wet and cold just never appealed to me.

I've always felt guilty for hating it. As humans I feel like we're all supposed to love it because it's what gives us the water we drink, and the beautiful oceans, not that I've ever seen them but from other people's descriptions.

Valarie doesn't seem to have a problem with it though. she infact seems to be enjoying it, judging by the small smile on her face. "Do you like rain." I ask and she turns to face me with the smile still present on her face.

"Yes, it never fails to calm me when I'm feeling overwhelmed." I can feel my eyes widening at her words. "You!" I chuckle.

"Get overwhelmed?"

Her smile widens and she replies. "Well of course! Governing this kingdom and many others beyond it can be quiet taxing."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You mean to tell me that your monarch of the entire world." I ask with my eyes wide and my mouth hanging.

"Not the entire world, not really, but rather the vampiric domains around the world." She says with a calm only she can posses.

"I thought you only ruled over a small portion of land. I mean how do you make sure that all the people follow the rules and obey your law, or that other people don't betray you." She says nothing and we continue watching the rain.

Standing here with Valarie I finally notice that there's something serene about rain that I hadn't noticed before. It evokes a deep sense of calm within you. This is by far my favorite memory of us. She turns away from the rain and walks deeper into the castle. I just watch her silently but then she stills and says.

"I'm going to the music room, coming?"

I nod and quickly walk to her side. We walk to the music room together, silently. She first introduced me to the room during my previous stay here, and I've fallen in love with it ever since. The weird looking instruments and their peculiar sounds. She promised to teach me how to play some day, but as of right now I'm content with only listening.

When we arrive she opens the door and motions for me to enter. I enter the room and sit on a cushioned chair at the corner while she takes her place behind a majestic black piano, with beautiful black and white keys. When Valerie plays it she looks like a angel that fell from the heavens.

She starts by playing a very nostalgic tune and I close my eyes and imagine myself in another place. A place filled with brightly colored flowers, and I'm running through them while my hair is in the air, suspended by the wind. The image however disappears from my mind when Valarie ends the song.

I open my eyes and find her looking at me attentively. "There's so much I don't know about you" I say.

"Does it bother you?" She asks, and I nod. "Don't worry your not the only one." She says with a chuckle.

She plays more beautiful songs and before we even notice it, the sun sets and supper time arrives. We get up from our temporal seats and walk to the dining hall where we always have our dinner. During the time of my stay here I've only dined with Valarie but today there are two people sitting at the table.

Valarie notices them too and she stops for a second before walking on. With my curiosity at it's peek I grab Valarie's coat and whisper in her ear. "Who are they? They seem quite familiar."

"The man is my brother Cyrus who's also my army general. The woman is his....his companion." Her words left me confused. Confused because in all the time that I've known Valarie she's never stuttered or seemed like she didn't know what to say. But I don't ponder too much on it and continue with our walk.

When we get to the table the two people rise. They bow their heads in unison towards Valarie and say "good evening your majesty." Valarie only nods in their direction and goes to take a seat at the head of the table.

"Take the seat beside me Ona." She says in an authoritative voice that I'm not customed to hearing. I go and take my seat, as told. Soon the table gets engulfed in an uncomfortable silence but the people around it don't seem to mind it as they're gleefully eating their food.

Valarie places her silverware back on the table and clears her throat. Causing everybody to momentarily stop eating and turn their attention to her. "I stopped you all's dinner because I felt that introductions were over due. And felt that it's time we all got to know each other. Would you do the honors." She says looking at the only man present.

"Of course, name is Cyrus cage. Brother to Nikolaus cage and our eldest sister Valarie cage. And the lady besides me is Bertha." He introduces.

After he finishes, all eyes turn to me with a look of expectency painted in them. "Stand up and introduce yourself." Valarie says in a voice that lacks emotion.

What! But her brother didn't have to stand when he introduced himself and his companion. I wanted to voice my complaints but never the less rose and smiled awkwardly at the people present. "Hi name is Ona I'm 18 years of age, and.. I. well.. I live here, currently."

After my short introduction I quickly sit down and stare at my plate. "It's nice to meet you Onalerona." I raise my head to find Cyrus, Valerie's brother smiling at me and I chuckle nervously. How did he know my full name?


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