Chapter 2

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(Just for y'all to understand: people attending this sleepover are:
Hinata, Kayegama, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Asahi, Sugawara, Daichi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, Narita from Karasuno
Akaashi, Bokuto from Fukurodani and Kenma and Kuroo from well- Nekoma)

They decided to start the game and Suga brought a bottle to spin as to decide whom to ask. Nishinoya had volunteered to ask the first person. He spun the bottle, all eyes fixated on the spinning. It became slower till it stopped, directed at Sugawara.
Noya smiled, but no one could tell if it was a nice or evil smile.
"Truth or Dare?" He asked.
Sugawara was unsure, he didn't know what he'd have to do if he picked Dare. It was Noya to say the least.
"Truth" he answered uncertain
"Ok- You're boring tho" Noya teased, with led to Daichi shooting him a glare.
"You're in love, Sugawara-san?" He asked
Suga blushed, knowing very well the answer to that, but also was sure he wasn't ready to tell just now.
"Hypothetically- if I wouldn't want to answer what do I have do then?"
"DRINK, of course" Kuroo yelled.
Sugawara debated. He didn't want to be the first to drink
"Yes" he answered.
Noya smirked.
"I knew it" he laughed
Sugawara watched him confused, but tried to overplay it
"I'm now going to spin the bottle"
Everyone nodded.
And the bottle spun again, stopping to point at Tsukishima.
"Well, Tsukishima-san" he started, knowing exactly what he wanted to ask, but that was if he picked Truth.
"Truth or dare" he continued.
"Truth" Sugawara was happy. He knew what he wanted to know: "Why's that only Yamaguchi may call you Tsukki?"
Tsukki bit his lip, taking his drink and took a sip.
Sugawara watched, disappointment evident in his face.
On the other hand Yamaguchi knew exactly why Tsukki didn't like to answer, the reason being that they both were rather close and him calling Tsukishima Tsukki kinda something personal. But Tsukki didn't like talking about private, personal stuff.
"Well, it's my turn now" Tsukki said, spinning the bottle, it landed on Ennoshita.
"Truth or dare"
Ennoshita did pick Truth, if that was even surprising.
And Tsukishima knew that Ennoshita may be the quiet one, but indeed knew hell lot about everyone
"What's the most shocking thing you know about someone else?" He asked
Ennoshita didn't want to answer, but he knew he had to. He didn't like alcohol at all. It made him throw up. That's why he answered, but he knew what he'd say, considering it was Tsukki who asked this question, therefore it was something about Tsukki. And plus it was really something shocking
"Well once I was standing rather far away from you and Yamaguchi"
Tsukki's eyes became big, he hadn't thought it would be about him. Yams felt that he was uncomfortable, so he placed a comforting hand on his knee, smiling up at him, which made Tsukki relax, but just a teeny tiny bit.
"You don't have to say more" Tsukishima tried to cut him of, which made Bokuto say: "Well well, I'd like to hear this. It's the game"
Tsukki bit his lip, Yamaguchi whispering he'd be fine.
"Okay well. Yamaguchi told Tsukki something about coming over later and I first thought nothing about it. But. Er- well then Tsukki smiled, which was just very shocking." Everyone chuckled
"But he said something about his parents being out of town so he could stay over "
Tsukki and Yamaguchi both gulped, knowing what that sounded like. Which was exactly what it was
"I mean, I don't know if I'm just interpreting something, but it sound- well suspicious "
Everyone turned their eyes, looking directly at them both, also seeing Yamaguchi's hand still laying on Tsukki's knee.
"Do you guys want to comment on this?"
They shook their heads no
"It's just because we only have one TV. It's in the living room, so we're not able to watch movies. That's why" Tsukki lied real quick.
It seemed like everyone was fine with this.
"Ennoshita it's your turn" Asahi reminded.
So he spun the bottle.
"Ah" he started "Bokuto-san. Truth or dare"
Bokuto answered with dare which was obvious
"I dare you to kiss Kenma" Bokuto looked at him in shock. He didn't want to loose, but he knew Kenma didn't want to kiss him, so he drank. Akaashi looking at him from the side, coming closer to his ear and whispered "don't be sad Bokuto-san. You didn't loose. You're just a very kind man, respecting other people" he kissed him on the cheek, first making sure nobody watched.

Obviously I love Tsukiyama!
Might as well realised

Say the truth, do the dareOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant