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Nothing's Picture Perfect(The Vamps Fan-Fic)



"Alice! You got mail!" My roommate, Aaliyah,  yelled from down the stairs. I groaned. 

"Just a minute! I'm in the dark room!" I yelled back. 

"Hurry! This looks official!" She yelled back. I finished the last few pictures I was developing and hung them up to dry. I quickly washed up and quickly, but carefully left the dark room. I jogged down the steps to the living room. Aaliyah handed me my letter. I looked at the senders address. It was from Prestige Record Company. My eyes grew. 

"Whoa.." I said. 

"What? Tell me!" Aaliyah said. 

"It's from Prestige Records, in the United Kingdom," I said, slowly tearing open the envelop. 

"Prestige Records? As in, THEE record company The Vamps are signed to?" Lay-Lay asked. I nodded and took out the letter. 

"Yup.. That record company. I slowly read over the letter and my mouth dropped. I dropped the letter and the envelop. I was frozen in spot. Lay-Lay quickly picked up the letter and envelop. She read it. Her mouth formed a perfect 'O' shape. She squealed. 

"Oh my gosh! Allie! You're going to be The Vamps' personal photographer!" It was at that moment, when I fainted. 

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