Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8 


I'm so dead. I'm so, so, so, so dead. I was making out with Tristan... AGAIN. Well.. I shouldn't be complaining. I've been only dreaming about this moment for... well.. Since I first heard of The Vamps. Tristan was an amazing kisser. I mean.. AMAZING. You couldn't help but to kiss him back. His tongue touched my bottom lip and I shivered. Tris smiled and touched my lip with his tongue again. My hands were around his neck, but I was moving them down his chest to try to push him away, but I wasn't exactly trying. He grunted when I pushed him away a little bit and pushed me back up against the wall more. 

"Tris," I mumbled, while our lips were still together. He didn't reply. He just kept kissing me. I wasn't about to complain, but I needed air and if Brad or James heard, we'd be in some deep trouble and I'd be out of a job. I pushed him a little harder. I detached his lips this time. I pushed him to arms length. He was breathing heavy, just like me. 

"What?" Tristan asked. 

"I need air to live, you know. Plus, if Brad or James hear us, we'd be in some deep trouble and I'd be out of a job." He nodded once and got a smile on his face, a sneaky smile. 

"Well.. We don't have to kiss against the door," Tris said, moving my hands behind his neck, pulling me closer to him. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. My eyes grew. He smiled and laughed. Then, he planted a brief kiss on my lips. "I promise this will just be making out," He said, leading me to the bed. Oh god.... 


I woke up to the sound of a banging noise coming from Ally's room. I shook my head. She probably just dropped something. I closed my eyes again and fell back to sleep. We had our first photoshoot with Ally in the morning. She was going to be our personal photographer who took random pictures of us at random times and our professional photographer who took pictures for different reasons. I smiled as I thought about it, then, I fell back to sleep. 


BANG. I sat right up in my bed. Okay.. Who made that banging noise? I took the covers off of me and walked into James' room. He was barely awake, then he fell completely asleep. He probably heard it, too. I left his room and walked to Tristan's room. He wasn't in his bed, but the light was on in the bathroom, so I guessed he was in there. I left his room and got back into bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. 


I woke up the next morning.. On Tristan's chest. My heart started to pound. I quickly looked at my clothes. They were still on. My heart slowed down just a bit. I was still freaking out. I looked up at Tristan. He was sound asleep. He looked peaceful. Ugh.. Nope.. He just plain looked beautiful when he slept. I didn't want to wake him, so I slowly got up out of bed. I grabbed my R5 t-shirt, my skinny jeans, and my Emblem3 hoodie, and ran into the bathroom to change. When I came back out, Tris was awake and rubbing his eyes. My memories from last night greeted me and I blushed.. MAJORLY. Tris looked at me and smiled. I could tell he was still tired. 

"Good morning," he said. His morning voice was so sexy. Alice! Snap out of it! I cleared my throat to speak. 

"Morning." I put my pjs on top of the dresser. "Um.. Shouldn't you be getting to your room.. You know.. In case Brad and James are looking for you?" Tristan's eyes widened. 

"Sh*t," He said, ripping the blanket off of him and jumping out of my bed. "I'll see you later, Ally," He said, pecking my cheek and running out of my room. Well.. That was interesting. 


I decided I'd pretend I went out to get breakfast, so I went to the diner on the lower levels and got some donuts. I opened the door to Brad, James, and I's adjoined room and closed it behind me. 

"Oi! Tristan! Where have you been?" James said, walking out of his room. 

"Yeah! Where have you been?" Brad asked, walking up beside James. I held up the bag of donuts.

"Buying donuts," I answered, setting them on the counter. Brad and James narrowed their eyes. "Guys, I'm seriously. I was craving donuts." They sighed and un-narrowed their eyes. 

"Just get ready for today, will you?" Brad asked, motioning to my sweat pants. I nodded and walked into my room to change. Phew.. That was a close one! 

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