Army bratt

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Hi my is name Anne g wild . but my full name is  don't tell any one is Annie grace Wendy  derfla wilds . and like my last name it is truly wild witch ever one calls me because I play a lot of soccer  but never get to stay on a team a lot because have to move so much which started after my mom died last year honestly I can say I am not over it the only time I got to stay in one  school is grade school but that stopped after awhile

because I was playing soccer at a Catholic school my dad got me into see my dad is a retired military general now he traveled to talk with over military officers who had saw conflict from the war and don't know how to get backed to well normal life Evan tho mine has been anything but normal since we started moving

anyway a scout from a very formal English boarding school with all kinds of rules and stuff and all girls classes can you Evan believe that it like totally mid evil or something but see it was a free scholarship and everything but I was dead against they wanted me to come there for formal training and new experiences and I be a great addition to there school what A small school in the country side he told my dad think about it so my dad did

and we'll see at the time my dad is vary strict being in the military and all but with me I can get a bit wild sometimes as the name stands especially since we'll I was going through a ruff time and I thought party's and different things like that would make me feel better but they never it just distracted from the bad things in my life like

my mom dying my life always in the road and my crazy little brother I always had to take care of but see I didn't get it at the time here is the story of the word and best thing that could of  happened to me :

Story's about crusader academy : the beginning Where stories live. Discover now