Chapter 2

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"Shit shit shit!" I exclaim as I run to the crime scene, late once again. My bag swings as I make my way through the people, finally meeting up with Detective West at the crime scene, after apologising to literally everyone on my way to work.

'What's your excuse this time, Mr. Allen? Just a reminder that the last one was your car broke down, remember why that one stick out?" One of the cops on scene asks.

"I don't have a car," I mumble out, looking at the Detective with an apologetic look.

"He was running to get something for me." Detective West cuts in, looking at me, and I nod, pulling out a chocolate bar, then get to work. I lay on the concrete, and examine the tire tracks leading away from the robbery. 12 inches of asymmetrical tread.

"The getaway car is a Mustang Shelby GT500, I state and continue looking. "Also excrement left in the tread, probably animal," I add, putting the pen covered in excrement in an evidence bag.

"My dad gave me that pen. Before he died." a voice behind me says.

"Sorry...." I say, and put the evidence bag into my bag, and head back to the lab.

Hours later

"The excrement is from a cow, and here is a list of the four farms around here that still use the antibiotic found in food fed to the animals. One should have a sweet looking Mustang in the garage." I say, passing Detective West a piece of paper with four addresses listed on it.

"Since Barry solved your poop problem, can he go see the Particle Accelerator go online?" Iris asks, and I sit with anticipation building in my chest but keeping my professional composure steady.

"Yea go ahead." Detective West says, and my composure breaks.

"Thank you!" I say, and Iris and I run out the door. 

"What's so cool about this Particle Accelerator thing?" Iris asks, and I am bouncing with excitement.

"It could open a world of new possibilities. Our current research in medicine, physics, everything, it could teach us so much. There is so much we don't know, so much still to discover." I tell her, going on and on until Harrison Wells comes on stage. Not even a few minutes into his speech, Iris is grabbing my arm.

"My bag! That's got my laptop with my papers in it!" She says is an urgent whisper, and I turn around and take off, chasing after the guy. Running a few blocks when I finally catch up to the guy.

"You don't have to do this," I say to him, his expression panicked. "Just give me my friend's bag, and we can call it even."

He looks like he's going to pass me the bag, then there is a sharp pain in my gut, and I see the bag swing towards my face. I'm thrown against the brick wall behind me. Iris runs up behind me, helping off the wall.

"Barry, what happened?" She asks, and I just pant and attempt to get my nose to stop bleeding.

At the police station, I sit in a chair, holding a tissue to my nose to absorb the blood.

"Who's that?" Iris asks.

"Eddie Thawne. Just transferred, apparently, he keeps score of his arrests."

"So that's Detective Pretty Boy." She says, and I give her a sideways glance. "At least that's what dad calls him." I smile, and we sit and laugh.

When I finally make it back to my lab, I turn on the news and watch the Particle Accelerator from there. Cleaning up the lab, I see the storm brewing in the distance. Watching the storm, the news reporter is starting to panic over the screen, then I see the explosion in the distance, all the energy go up into the air. I go to close the skylight, when I see the storm overhead, become aware of the metal chain I'm holding, the puddle already forming on the ground. I saw the liquids rising out of the beakers, then the explosion of the strike. I was thrown back into a shelf, and then everything goes black.


Oh. My. God. How long has it been, over a year? I feel absolutely terrible. I cannot believe it has taken me this long to pound out a chapter this damn short. I feel like such an idiot, and my only excuses are school for the time I was in school and work. I've been jumping between a few jobs and I finally got accepted into a Business Administration program at Polytech and have a steady job with (semi)steady hours. I'm gonna try my best to update more regularily. Cross my heart.

So, here is Chapter 2, I'll do the absolute best I can to put up the next few chapters until I get a more regular schedule for updating okay? I love you all for the comments, messages and love you all have shown me, while I was doing god knows what. (As we speak, I'm actually binging The Flash Season 1 haha)

But I love you all, and thank you so much for sticking with me.


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