Twins In Love

46 1 2

(the title isn't official)

So this is how it starts. 

The reader is introduced to the twins, a girl and a boy. The girl is very boyish and is good at athletics. She has long hair tied in a ponytail and slanted eyes. The boy is the total opposite of his twin. He is very girly, albeit not gay, and is good at girly stuff like sewing, knitting, cooking, etc.

The father is very disappointed in his children since he didn't expect them to grow up like this. He separated the two in different schools. The girl was sent to a religious all girl's school while the boy was sent to train in a delinquent school. 

Not liking their father's decision, the two exchange. With the girl wearing a wig, she went to the delinquent school in her brother's stead. Her brother wore a long wig and went to the all girls school in his sister's stead. 

The two have to hide this secret from everyone, but what if they find their respective soulmates?

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