Chapter 1

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On the 3rd of April at 5:45am, 1998, my parents brought my twin sister and I into this wonderful and wide world. Normally when your younger, you don't see and understand the flaws and the struggles of life until you grow old enough to. But me, I understood every struggle that I was living through; I had TTTS.

When my mom and dad found out they were having identical twins, they felt that there life was going to so much bigger and brighter with two baby girls. That was until the struggle came, my sister and I shared a disease called TTTS (Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome).

TTTS is a very serious disorder that occurs in identical twins. This occurs when there is a connection in the two babies blood vessels of their shared placenta. It results in one baby receiving more blood flow than the other, and that was my sister. While I on the other hand; was receiving to little.

My mom and dad were told to prepared for the worst, as I was receiving very little blood flow and could die during the process. My sister, Isabella Fox was born first, happy and healthy with no problems. 3 minutes and 45 seconds later, I was born, me, Aubrey Fox.

I took my first breath of air then. Every one was happy to see me and my sister alive and breathing. That was until 6:00am, when my heart stopped beating and my breathing slowed down, they proclaimed that I had died from heart failure.

The nurse laid me in my mums arms one last time, well that they thought. They laid my sister by my side for the first time. She managed to open her hand and grab mine. She held my hand for seven minutes, and that seven minutes was enough time to bring me back to life. Ever since then, she's being my life support.

They thought that dying was an impact caused by my condition and that I wasn't going to have any other problems. That was until I had a near-death again at the age of three. Doctors decided that it was highly necessary to run x-rays and scans and do blood tests for whatever was making my body not function.

A month later, I was diagnosed with congenital heart defect. Battling this wasn't going to be easy, but I could lay to rest, knowing that I didn't need to be afraid as I had Isabella by my side. Doctors said to my mum and dad "your lucky to have two wonderful daughters, without Isabella there would be no Aubrey, and without Aubrey they'd be no Isabella"

One night, my parents rushed me to The hospital when I was struggling to catch my breath. I remember panicking In the back seat, while mum and dad are screaming and fighting with each other. Isabella laid me down and told me to close my eyes and think about the wonderful life we're going to have together. She ran her hand through my hair and sung me a song, she put me to ease and my breathing became less of a struggle.

The littlest things she does for me makes me the happiest and I wouldn't be here without my sister, Isabella Fox.

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