Part 4

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The announcement echoed through the class wall, y/n was bored because she doesn't like parties, atleast after what had happened before, Jared came to her but she yelled "I DONT WANNA GO" Jared backed up, y/n was scary when she was mad how can a innocent sweet baby like girl can turn into that mad lady in a second, everyone thought..... Dylan in the second hand was thinking about asking her to the party, he wanted to hang out with her to see if she really was the y/n he loved before.....

Y/n was in the hallway when dylan approached her and said can I invite you to the party? I DONT WAN- he kissed her to make her silent, his fingers ran through her back, she shivered and pushed him away, why did you kis- he shushed her and said if you come with me I will spare your marks, she got sold on that, she said okay then you must protect me from Riley then,and he said idk if I'll do than and walked out.

Riley heard the convo they had the whole time and decided to ruin y/n's happiness, she approached to dylan and asked him to come with her to the party, he denied at first, but he had to say yes because his life depended on Riley....

Dylan and Riley's dad's are buisness partners, they made dylan the ceo because he was blessed with an amazing brain and his visuals were out of this world, but dylan wasn't ready for this at all, he was always expected to be perfect, they put too much pressure on him in a young age by always teaching him about buisness when his dream was to become a scientist, he was forced to do all this in his life, if he doesn't obey his father, or obeyed his boss that is Riley's dad, he would get in serious trouble.... Not only that but they've even considered Riley and Dylan getting married.......

So he HAD to say yes because of his life, so he ditched y/n to go with Riley and Y/n wasn't pleased at all, At the party dylan was dancing with Riley, the sight of them made y/n angry she marched up to the drink stall grabbed a drink and threw it on Riley and Dylan she pulled dylan to the side and said you said you would go to this party with me, he said, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything else, or else I'll get in trouble.......

Y/n was baffled, you don't know my trouble if I don't get full marks, my troubles are bigger than yours I've had a lot of obstacles, and you, YOU were some rich bimbo that just came out of nowhere, I didn't ask for this..... I- I'm I don't know what to say.... Y/n said as she walked to the bathroom, Dylan whispered to himself "I didn't ask for this as well"

Y/n came out of the bathroom to witness Riley and Dylan kissing, she was sad even though she was mad with Dylan, something was bothering her about him, he was different, she felt warmth from dylan even though she hates him..... In tears she marched out of the party, dylan saw y/n and rushed to her, Riley smirked at the drama she just created. Dylan rushed outside to see Y/n curled up in a bench crying he went near her and she said what do you want, embarrass me?? He said no. Im here to check up, and Y/n continued with "weren't you kissing Riley, go do it again, I'm sure it was fun" dylan said what?? You really think I enjoyed that??? But wait why are you asking that anyways???

She went quiet, he quoted "do you ever feel like you hate this person but you feel some warmth with them and they go on your mind all day?" She said how did you know? He said "cause I've been feeling that for someone" she continued with "I feel like I've met that someone before, it's so lucid" and he said that person....... IS YOU they both said they both were startled on what they've said.......

How and why did they feel that way?? The journey begins


Mr. Worldwide and his Mrs. (BRO THIS IS 100% SATIRE 😭👹)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin