Its 12AM

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"What do you mean.. die..?" You say while your voice is trembling. "Uhm.. n-nothing." He says nervously. "No I'm serious! What do you mean?!" You say getting closer. "I.. I mean what I said. You get too close you'll die. It's how my brothers downfall went." He says seriously, so serious you get scared of him even talking to you, you back away startled. "Did I scare you? I'm sorry I didn't think I would.." you look up at him with a smile. "Can we get to work now?" You say as he looks at you with wide eyes. He knocks himself on the head. "Right! How could I forget." He looks down at his watch, "It's 12:00, we better get into the rooms." He grabs you by the hand leading you to the control room.

His hand.. it's so.. warm. So.. soft.. "We're here!" He says while you look around seeing buttons and white tinted glass windows where you can see 2 more animatronics. "Here is where you look after 2 of the animatronics. The glass is for safety reasons." You put your hands on the glass window to the left, only to see a beautiful dancing ballerina animatronic. Spinning around and around in an endless loop. "Who's this?" You say as you lay your finger on the glass. "That's ballora, the beautiful ballerina. The doll things next to her? Those are called minireenas."

Minireenas? You think to yourself. Odd name but cute at the same time. "Over onto your right you'll see Funtime foxy, the hottest fox in town! He won't let anyone onto his stage without fighting for it." He says as you run over to the window in wonder. He's beautiful! You think as you gaze at his pink chest and his white face. "It's time to engage a controlled shock in circus baby's gallery." A strange voice coming from the room says. "This is the hardest part of the job." Micheal says.

"The hardest part is shocking the poor animatronics." He says while walking towards a vent. "In here." He says while climbing in first, what's the harm in shocking some stupid animatronics? It's not like they're alive. You think to yourself. The quiet thuds of your knees against the metal sheets are the only sounds you can hear. "It's kinda awkward in here." You say to start conversation. "It is isn't it." He says while it goes back to utter silence.

You and Micheal arrive in the next room. This is circus baby's gallery? You think to yourself while looking around. "It's not much of a gallery?" You say trying to start another conversation. "Yeah, it's not a lot like a gallery so I wonder where it got it's name." Micheal says while pressing the shock button, you hear a loud Crackle sound, almost like someone stepping on bubble wrap, but more with a ZZT mixed in. You feel as though you and micheals relationship has gotten stronger.

Relationship as in friendship of course. "I WISH it was me and micheal together." You say while looking at baby. "What..?" He says turning to you. You slam your hands onto your mouth forcing your words back in. "Did.. did I say that out loud..?" You say with a faint laugh coming from you. "Yeah.. you did." He says as he walks towards you. As you back up, you say "I didn't mean to.. I-" he puts his hand over your mouth pinning you against a wall. Now all that came from you was just faint muffles.

"Is what you said true?" He says while grinning. You just nod unable to speak due to his hand over your mouth. "Oh is that right?" He says. He removes his hand from your mouth and moves both hands down your arms. Looking down he says "You're quite pretty.~" he says as you blush. "What are you doing..?" You say as he looks up at you. "Wanna have a little fun on the job~?" He smirks. You turn red. "S-sure.."


Micheal Afton x reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now