Desparate for time

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You both are having the time of your lives, but then you both hear the computer say. "It's time to close up. See you tomorrow for your next shift." You and Micheal both look around and say, "damn, we left our clothes in circus baby's gallery." You both crawl through the vents to get into the gallery and you see your clothes laid down on the crate you both had sex on.
After getting your clothes on and dried off from the wet ride, you both walk out to the parking lot. And you give Micheal a hug. Unfazed he hugs you back and kisses your forehead. You both release from the hug and you say "Bye Micheal.. I love you.." you say sadly as you walk away not wanting to leave him.

You look back, grabbing the door handle of your white car. He's waving back. You think to yourself as you wave. You get in your car and start it, driving off you sink deep into your thoughts. I wish I had more time.. I'd do anything for him to be here right now. You swerve on the road. Right! Driving. Keep your eyes on the road Y/N.
When you get home, driving down that bumpy, gravel road. You get out and have your hand on the door handle deep in your thoughts. Maybe I can ask him to come over tomorrow, after our shift? Then we can hang out all we want to! You thought. That's it! I'll ask him to come over then we can do anything at all!! Jumping with excitement, you run to your door. You unlock it, your mood hyped up.

You plop on the couch and you turn on the tv. I'll buy his favorite foods! Didn't he tell me his number while we were cleaning off? He did! You rush to your phone that's charging on the kitchen counter. Okay so it was 9..3..1.. you trail on. Texting him you say, "hey mike, what's your favorite foods or foods you like?" He reply's, "I like popcorn and pizza?" You say after, "got it! Good night I love you!😘" you say before you turn off your phone and lay it back on the counter.

You hear a ZZT come from the counter. The text said "love you too darling.♥️" You blush and put your phone back down. Running to the note pad you left on your desk in the other room, you trip on a toy your kid left behind. (The kid you babysat) Damn kid. You think as you pick it up and put it on the stairs. Running up the stairs, you open the door to your office. You sit down on your chair and turn around to your desk.

You grab your pen and start writing down his most liked foods. Pizza.. Popcorn.. What else should I get besides those? You're thinking to yourself. Oh! Drinks! Wine. Root beer. And Diet Coke. All my favorites! You write them down very fast and run out to the car. Forgetting to lock the door you close the car door. Wait! The door! You rush out and lock the door and run back to the car. You start it and drive off to the store.

You walk into the automatic doors looking around for popcorn. You see chips, Carrot crisps? Sounds gross. You look around again after setting the bag back down. You pick up the popcorn and set it in your buggy. You look around for the perfect bottle of wine, feeling around for your phone to ask Mikey for his favorite kind. Fuck! I left my phone at home. You continue to grab the red wine and put it in your buggy. That will have to do. You look around for the frozen pizza, you can only find pepperoni. Hm. That's okay. Walking to the check out you forgot the root beer and Diet Coke. Already checked out you realize. My head just isn't working right now.. we have some spare drinks it should be okay.

You hop in your car and slap yourself. Work dammit work! You say to yourself. You start your car and drive off to your house, you walk up to your door and unlock it, plopping on the couch after putting away your groceries. You fall asleep, then you wake up hearing a constant ZZT, ZZT, ZZT, You hop up and run to your phone. It's Micheal? Whys he spamming me.. You scroll through your texts and it says Y/N! Wake up! I have a surprise for you! Get down to the pizzeria fast! Hurry! You look out the window in front of you. I wonder what he has for me....


Micheal Afton x reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now