5. Intention

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We met and had fun,
You taught me what is happiness,
Told me it's okay to break a few rules,
Never to be afraid of the powerful.

Yes we hugged,
Never will deny the attraction,
The pride when I was beside you,
That I thought you are the great escape.

You marked me as your own,
Nobody dared to mess with us,
You're a deliquent,
And I was the stupid sheep,

When you wanted my body,
I never gave it to you,
'We're too young' I said,
'That's bullshit' you said.

You never talked to me again,
Acknowledge my prescence to be exact,
My parents told me to never get close to trouble,
But it's too late now.

I should have know what your intentions are. Now, I was the stupid sheep that knows it's the wolf that she's kissing before.

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