Churches... (Ft. Rei)

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Short Story

*Rei was sitting in the chruch with a bored expression... he was hearing the pastor and the chruch members singing and dancing around*

*This however annoys him... as he couldn't take the noise and the lessons*

*Being an introvert he is... he didn't take part... and sigh*

*Let's say.. he wasnt a big part of the church or the organization*

*He finds it annoying... especially his mom pestering him around...*

*He hated... being here... he doesn't find himself belong here*

*He looks at the watch to wait the service ends...*

*3 Hours has passed... or so... It was done or so it is?*

*He raised above his seat and thought it was time to leave... but no... there is a youth service... while he did joined... it wasnt the reason he like it... he only joined since his mom persuaded him...*

*He frowns as he sits down... he looks to see a teen in his age who was at the altar.. telling all about the bible and such*

*Rei slumped down to his chair... once again bored... he heart starts to beat... as there needs to be some kids have to recite a memory verse in the bible and explain...*

*Let's say... he wasn't a big fan of explanation or to speak in the crowd he has fear on talking*

*He just lay his head down... as his mother took notice of it...*

*He doesn't give a heck... and waited till its praise and worship he stood up and goes along with it...*

*As the service ends... REI walks out the church with his mom... he was getting lectured about everything that happened especially she rants all the time*

"The memory verse is your shield"

"Have a presence of mind"

"Take part at the service and stop being shy"

"We don't know when God will take us"

*or any of these words she says to him and his sibling... he was nearly on the urge to cover his ears...*

*every Sunday... he always gets annoyed by this... like a cycle that never stops...*

*It feels like going to chruch was a punishment for him... or just a place to annoy him...*

*He was... no longer gonna resist it*

*Can he ever?*


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