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"Afternoon darlin'." Xavier was the first one to approach your side once you left the classroom. You give him a simple wave, obviously tired from the previous class as it was about your presentation. Xavier had always somehow been the first one to leave his class to wait for you.

"Did you do well?" He asked, already aware a week prior. Oh right, you two have been dating for two weeks now. You nod your head, smiling. "Professor gave me two, I think she noticed me tearing up when she announced it." You whined, leaning onto the taller man as you made your way to the school's cafeteria.

"Well I'd have to take credit for tutoring you last minute, hm?" He turns to you with a smirk and you groan, he really did help you a whole lot with the presentation. "Shut it." You pick your head up and lightly push him away, refusing to thank him. He snickers.

"Well now you have to worry about the mock trial for criminal law." He reminds, and you groan. You forgot about that. "When is that gonna be?" You asked, obviously distraught. He gives you a grin. "Next Friday, we're gonna find out our roles by tomorrow."

Today was Thursday. You sigh in relief, dropping your bag down on an unoccupied table. "Nobody tells me anything here, thanks." You thanked Xavier, giving him a pat on the arm as he placed his bag down as well.

"Always count on me. I am your Lord and Saviour after all." You were luckily smart enough to pick up the teasing tone through how serious and sincere he said it.

Rolling your eyes almost to the back of your skull, you slump on your seat. "Okay Lord, since you're my one and only savior, you will provide your faithful worshiper a good meal." Clasping your hands together as you mockingly pray to him, mumbling nonsense under your breath.

He beams, a grin spread across his face. A rather dangerous one even, laced with mischief. "Why, of course I will!" Placing a delicate hand over his chest whilst gracefully taking your hand with the other, he plants a kiss on your knuckles. "I am a providing god, after all."

After waiting for a painful amount of time as the hunger begins to pick on your stomach with growls and rumbles, you and Xavier are finally seated with a piping fresh meal laid before you.

It smells like a delicacy, you couldn't wait to know what it tastes like. "Shall we?" His voice rings in your ears, utensils in hand. "Oh, yes please!"

With glee, you slice the food and blow to cool it down enough to put in your mouth. It was actually nice of him to offer to go carry your food himself, since the place was pretty short staffed. Things are going very nicely so fa-


Bellows of laughter burst out of the man seated across you, wiping tears away as he watched you spit the food out with glistening eyes.

He quickly takes a spoonful of his own, bringing it up to his mouth as he begins to mockingly chew and hum at the taste.

"Oh come on, doll. The food isn't that hot now is it?" He asks, the shit eating grin plastered on his face as you can only cover your mouth while the other hand scavages for your water bottle.

"You ass!" You whine, having trouble looking for your bottle that Xavier ends up handing you his bottle instead, still laughing at your distraught.

You aggressively take the bottle from his hand, twisting the cap open and taking a chug, only to spit the liquid out and cough. "God, was that alcohol?!" You coughed out that Xavier almost felt bad for laughing again. He nods, taking a heavy breath after. "That's what the top students drink after all."

You groan, at least the hot feeling in your tongue has diminished. "The perfect fake boyfriend my ass." You frown and out of spite, took another sip of the alcohol. He chuckles, still entertained by the event earlier.

"Don't drink it all, I'll need it for the next class." He takes the bottle from your hand to screw the cap back on. You stick your tongue out to him. "Meanie." He only laughs once more.

'Luckily' for you, Xavier had only spiced up your meal and was willing to switch his food with yours.

"I can handle more than what you think, doll." He says, switching your lunch with his as you scoff. Taking your spoon to grab a bite from his plate with a distasteful look as he eats your spiced meal with no problem.

"I hope your team fails for the mock trial next week." You say out of spite, but he knew you were joking seeing as he chuckled at your wish. "Sure doll." He says while mockingly taking a bite of his meal and you scoff, bringing the spoon to your mouth and almost snapping the flimsy thing in half.


You stare down at the paper you had picked out in disbelief.

'Defendant's attorney'

You lower the paper you had blindly chosen, seeing as the professor had given the basic knowledge for the case beforehand, you were sure you're gonna be screwed. You didn't even realize Xavier had looked at your paper from behind due to the fact you were currently contemplating your life choices right now.

"Oho?" His chest rests on your back as he reaches for your paper. "Isn't this hilarious?" He chuckled. You turn your head to ask, only for him to show you his paper.

'Defendant' It reads. You want to curl into a ball and bury yourself six feet under and he wanted to laugh at the irony.

You bury your face onto your hands, muffling your groan as the man moves to your side. "Still hoping my team would fail?" He asked, the same shit eating grin adorned his face from yesterday. You scrunch your nose at the sight of his face, not bothering to bring yourself to answer.

"Shut." You grumbled, raising your hand to cover the sight of his face as you turned away, he snickers at your dramatic gesture. "Shut, shut, shut." You grab your bag to toss over your back so you can leave the class before Xavier blocks your way, grabbing ahold of your bag. "Ah ah ah." He stops you from taking another step and you give him a glare, he gives you an easy grin.

"Let's do this project now since this is our last class anyways." He says, the grin was still present and all you can do is groan. "Don't want you slacking on me now, doll." He reasons, grabbing a hold of his own bag before offering his arm for you to lock with.

You roll your eyes, the side of your mouth twitches and you cross your arms. "I'll carry your bag for you." He coaxes, you raise a brow, ".. I'll buy you coffee?" And with that, you sigh before you loop your arm in his. "Lead the way."

He grins, "Gladly."

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