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It was late in America as an infamous Demon of hell took a fast-paced stroll through a small town in the states.

The Bentley was back at the hotel he was staying in, and Crowley felt a little cooped up in his suite, courtesy of Hell, after being set off for a simple assignment, checking on the remains of a simple house in Kansas.

After making his report, his side ordered him to stay in the states in order to make sure no changes were made.

Crowley being Crowley, followed orders to a 'T', but not in the way Hell probably wanted him to. He left Kansas and went on a road trip with his precious Bentley and took a well-deserved, in his books, vacation.

The only thing that would make his 'vacation' so much better, would be Aziraphale riding with him as they took a long trip on the road, although his critiques on his driving would probably get a little annoying when he gets off the highway, Crowley would not get enough of how adorable Aziraphale was whenever he when sightseeing.

That night was going to be Crowley's last in the states, and he was starting to get bored without his Angel there to tease.

The first thing he was going to do when he went back, he was going to take Aziraphale out for a spot of lunch at the Ritz. Maybe spend some time at their bench as well. Chat while they feed the ducks.

Crowley always liked feeding the ducks while he and Aziraphale talked.

Because the next day was the day he would get back to his Angel, he was too restless to stay inside his hotel room, much less sleep. And Crowley loved to sleep.

The Demon had hoped that a good walk and some fresh air would do him good. Get rid of all of his restless energy so he could finally get some sleep before hopping over the pond.

The faster he went to sleep; the faster morning would come and he could leave the States and head back to England.

Yes, a peaceful late-night walk was exactly what Crowley needed.

But it wasn't what he was going to get.

A child's scream echoed from an empty looking motel that the upper-class Demon was just walking by.

It wasn't what he expected to happen that night at all.

Now, one thing Crowley would never admit in his life, in eternity even, is his soft spot for children. He has always been good with them.

Especially after he witnessed the Great Flood killed many off, it horrified him that was something that Aziraphale's side would do, a side claiming to be good. He meant what he said when he was talking with Azirphale that day, it sounded an awful like something his side would do.

The more reason for Crowley to have his own side with the Angel, the sides are too much the same than either would like to admit. It's one of the many reasons' Crowley prefers the company of humanity rather than any other Angel or Demon, no matter their rank.

When Crowley sees a child to be hurt by another, an adult or, Go- Sa- Someone so help him, a Supernatural creature of some sort. Pray, doesn't matter what side, for that poor sod's soul. Because Crowley will teach them a new meaning of pain.

Very few know of this, but with the right motivation, Crowley's skill's best even Alistair himself.

So, the first thing Crowley did was take deep sniffs of the air, his forked tongue slipping through his long canine's as it tasted the air for any scents. He smelt one of a young mortal, the child, and...

A Vampire.

A snarl appeared on Crowley's lips, revealing a sharp tooth as he stalked forward to where the unmistakable smell of Vampire resided. More screams and shouts can be heard from inside the motel room through the door.

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