Chapter Seven

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Dean had left to get a psychic while Sam, Ruby, and Crowley stayed to keep an eye on Anna and make sure no one, Demon or Angel, can lay a hand on her.

Sam stood inside the vault with her, Ruby stood just outside the door, careful of the devil's trap in front of it, and Crowley sat at the bottom of the basement's stairs, fingers typing in the number he need with precise precision.

"Sorry. We are most definitely clos-."

"Honestly Angel, you really need to upgrade your phone system. Get with the times.", Crowley interrupted easily, his voice low so as to not be overheard, leaning back on his elbows at the staircase, content now that he was speaking with his Angel once more, especially ever since their last conversation, "Seriously, it'd save us the trouble. And less interruptions."

There was a small sigh at the other end, Crowely can hear Aziraphale's amusement despite his efforts to try and hide it.

"Crowely...", Aziraphale breathed, "You haven't called in a while, I was starting to get a little worried."

"Now why would you go and do that?", Crowley asked teasingly, a fanged grin appearing on his face, "It's only been two days Angel. I've had time between calls be longer in the past."

Aziraphale sighs again, speaking in a somber tone, "I'm serious Crowley. That Energy has rather.... well, spooked me, I guess. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to call at all. Much less return. I was going to wait one more day before calling the Winchesters in the morning."

Crowley lost his smile, looking out to the distance with a blank expression, his voice now deep and serious, "It spooked both of us Angel."

Silence fell over the couple as they both sat in their respective places, separated by an entire ocean even. They both needed a couple of minutes to take in everything that has happened thus far.

It's been a while since something like this has happened. The like Crowely had told Dean, Anna, and Ruby the other night, the last time this sort of thing happened was a little over a decade ago with Adam.

And this time, they weren't together.

"How are the others?", Crowely finally broke the silence.

"Hm?", Aziraphale hummed distractedly, Crowley can easily picture the Angel slowly comprehending his question, a fond smile appeared on Crowely's lips as he imagined it all, "Oh! Fine! Fine. They're all well and no one's bothered any of them. The only one that really knows that something big is happening again, is Anathema and Adam, they felt it too. Anathema says her tools indicate that things are becoming wilder down under, but besides that, they all are perfectly oblivious to what's happening across the pond. Although, Adam is starting to get suspicious of the multiple supernatural happenings that's been going on recently."

Crowley nodded, speaking up once her remembered Aziraphale couldn't see him, "Good. Not the Adam part, but that's good. You know, if this all goes downhill, you think you can find a safe place for them?"

"I don't think anyplace will be safe if this goes downhill.", Aziraphale replies tiredly, "But that doesn't mean I won't try."

"Maybe I'll rejoin you lot if things don't go our way."

"... No, you won't.", Aziraphale answers softly, "Not right away at least. Your boys will need you then. Probably would want to stay and help save as many people as they can."

"They're adults, they've fought the darkness since they were children, despite my high annoyance and slight disgust to that fact, it's true.", Crowley argued, "You lot would need me much more than them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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