Chapter Four

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Crowley watched horrified as Sam was pulling the Demon from out of its vessel with his mind. This boy has become close to the equivalent of Holy Water if he ever decides to use the power on Crowley. In fact, he may just be able to kill him if he so chooses, especially when, not if, he gets more powerful.

It literally terrified him.

It's a dark power no one should be able to have.

Nothing like an Angel using their grace to kill or exorcise the Demon, it hurts, of course it would. But even if it did hurt, that Demon's face was twisted in pain, as if he was slowly being tortured before he was pulled out. Exorcising is painful, borderline on torture. Some hunters even use it as torture.

But none of those could compare to the pain that Crowley could clearly see in the Demons eyes. He looked like he was being torn apart piece by piece and being thrust back to hell while being burned from the inside out. Unable able to breathe, much less scream, as it all happens.

That shouldn't be something any Human should be able to do. And Crowley can only imagine when Sam gets enough juice to be able to kill a demon, it'll be much worse.

Crowley walked through the back entrance to see Dean strolling up to a shocked Sam, the younger man turned around to see Ruby staring at the figure of Crowley in shock and, low key, fear.

"What a neat little trick you got there.", Crowley said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Sam looked like a fish out of water.

"So, anything there you want to tell me Sam?", Dean states rather than asks, his voice hard.

"Okay, just let me explai-."

"Just let me explain?", Dean says, looking confused, "You gonna explain this?"

"Gee, I wonder how you're going to be able to put this in a good light?", Crowley's voice popped in, as he leaned on one of the rustic shelving.

Sam may not be able to tell with the glasses, but from Crowley's tensed posture, the Demon was pissed off. Or at the very least, upset.

The younger Winchester whirled back to his brother.

"Why don't you start with who she is?", Dean demanded, his voice lowering into a whisper, "And what the hell she's doing here?"

Sam looked over to the Demon.

"She's a Demon.", Crowley informed the elder Winchester, "And not one I particularly like at the moment."

Dean turned to the Demon who smiled, "Good to see you again Dean."

"Ruby?", Deans asks, but he already knew, they all did.

He turned to Sam, looking to be one push from losing it.

"Is that Ruby?"

Sam's face told them everything.

Crowley doesn't expect the boys to tell him everything, he's still a Demon after all, he doesn't blame them for being cautious. Demons lie and manipulate, Somewhere, Crowley has done his own fair share in the past as well.

He wouldn't put it past the fact he may have to do it in the future as well.

But he also didn't expect them, specifically Dean, surprisingly, to rely on him so quickly, despite it only being over a week.

He will tell no one this, not even Aziraphale (maybe Aziraphale, kind of already has) but Crowley likes being relied on. Likes helping others. And he never realized this until he became the Nanny for Warlock. Who he still visits by the way. The spoiled kid doesn't get enough attention as he needs. Both he and Adam are going to university soon.

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