Chapter Six

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It's not right. Whatever was happening today isn't right. Crowley can feel it. Practically sense it. He knows it's there, in the air, but can't quite grasp what and where it is. It was just out of his reach.

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

Crowley was practically growling as he paced besides the Bentley that he parked on the side of the road. He almost crashed the card as it washed over him in a violent wave. But no matter how hard he tries, pacing furiously back and forth, Crowley just can't place what the hell it is and what the hell it even means.

Or would it be heaven?

One thing he has figured out during his two hour 'pit-stop', was that this thing was supernatural, specifically it came from above or below. Not the average monster. It's either of demon or angel origin.

And that just made it all the more frustrating. The fact that Crowley doesn't know which side it's from. There are different ways he handles with the two very different sides.

Crowley snarled, with an underlying suppressed hiss, as his phone began to ring.

"What!", Crowley snarls, not even bothering to care who was on the other end.

Luckily for him, the one on the other end didn't care either, just as frantic as the Fallen is.

"I know, I can feel it too.", Aziraphale's voice came from the other end.

Just like Crowley he sounded frantic, a little frustrated, but all Crowley could here in that moment was panic in his Angel's voice. And that unsettled him even more, because something told him Aziraphale had more answers than him to what's going on, but the answers aren't good.

Aziraphale is scared, whether it's for himself, Crowley, or someone/thing else. Aziraphale is scared. That meant something big is happening.

"The Angels,", Aziraphale pushed on, his voice frantic, ", I've never heard them so loud. There's a girl, she can hear us speak, she knows everything."

Crowley finally stopped moving from his two hours of pacing, eyes wide peeking over the glasses that slid down his nose.

"Everyone is after her.", Crowley says, his voice quiet and monotonous, "That's why I couldn't tell which side it was! Because she matters to both! For the Angels, she can hear important, secret, information, and for the Demons... Oh, they want it. And they'll do anything they can to take it."

As if the realization was the last piece of the puzzle he needed, Crowley can sense it now, the girl's energy, her power if you will. And now he can track it.

"What are we going to do Crowley?", Aziraphale asked, his voice drowning in worry.

"You are going to stay there, check on Adam, see how he's doing. Make sure he is okay. Wouldn't hurt to check on the others to if you can.", Crowley instructed, "I can sense her now. She's close by, a couple days drive if I push it, but I can get to her. I can't approach her, but maybe I can watch over her and step in when I'm needed."

"Are you sure Crowley?", asked Aziraphale, he had a white knuckled grip on his phone.

Very close to crushing it.

"Absolutely, just stay in the book shop, I'll call you when I can. You have the boys' numbers, right?", Crowley asked.

"Of course."

"If I don't answer any of your calls in the next, oh, couple of days. Call them.", Crowley instructed, "Or they'll call you. We'll deal with this as it goes, you just stay safe Angel."

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