Daily Delivery

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Looking at the note you began to regret agreeing to ever let Lord Ayato begin making delivery orders, the guard slid a pouch of mora and walked off, you were thinking about making the guard give the drink to the lazy bum himself.

You sighed and let the innocent guard go, he didn't deserve to hear you bad mouth everyone who had every caused you a minor convince.

You quickly slid the mora pouch into your apron and walked over to the drink station.

There was a loud bang from inside the kitchen, looking in you saw two of the new people your brother had hired a month ago. You stepped into the kitchen and crossed your arms, "I told you both to clean the dishes." Quickly flickering your eyes there was soapy water all over the floor and one of them had a bowl sitting on their head upside down.

Pinching the bridge of your nose the two quickly straightened themselve up, "Clean this up please, I gotta make one last order before we close up."

"It's not fair though!" One of them whined, stomping her foot on the ground.

Your face turned sour within seconds, "And how and what is not fair?" Hands resting on your hips.

She threw the bowl onto the floor and got up in your face, "Why is it always you who goes up to the Kamisato estate!" Her friend grabbed onto her shoulder but she pushed the other girl back, " I mean, you're always so tired, so why not let one of us do it?"

Was this a backhanded compliment? You couldn't and didn't care to tell at this point. You stood a bit taller and looked at the girl pointing her finger in your face, "I've known the Kamisatos since I was young, after some incidents we stopped interacting. " You made a hand signal for the other girl to leave the area.

"Now that I'm able to go see them almost daily, why would I pass by an opportunity like this?" Once you finished you cocked your head to the right, as if you were asking her response, but you both know if she spoke more than one word the guards outside the restaurant would escort her out without a second thought.

She stayed silent, after a few moments on silence you realized you spilled a bit more than you should have. "Go, the fact you even had a *chance* to work here is enough to get you another job on the spot."

The girl left without saying another word, leaving you alone to enjoy the silence, finally getting ready for Ayato's order.

Preparing everything to his liking, the number of tapioca pearls he's always prefered and some extra after that. Swirling it around you finally picked a straw out of the container and slipped it into your apron, then covering yourself in a short cloak not only to stay warm for the incoming winter weather but also for safet of your own mentality. Leaving through the back since it was the quickest way up the hill instead of shuffiling your way through town.

You let your hair down as well as your head, it was getting a bit dark out as well so it would be harder to be spotted in public. Normally you'd have food critics chasing you and people begging for a voucher, but it was tame today. The decent up the stairs never seemed to get easier, constantly getting the sun smothering itself in your face as you reached the peak of the steps.

Salesman after salesman eagerly recruiting people to their stands, children chasing each other and dogs resting lazily on the rocks that had the perfect amount of sunlight. This could only be the calm before the storm, but you pushed those thoughts into the back of your mind as you saw a few flower petals fall from the shrine at the top of the mountain, a clear sign the Kamisato estate was only a few steps away.

Finally turning the corner, there was the estate looking tranquil as ever. The guards saw you and relaxed their shoulders, probably hearing your footsteps and getting ready to deal with some drunkards. They gave you a small nod, giving one you entered the wellkept estate, carefully stepping across the stones the same way you did when you were younger.

You opened the door and was met with silence, peaceful silence that was rare occurrence for you. Taking a left you were met with the open door of Ayato's office.

He looked up from his papers and blinked a few times when he saw you. "Y/N, you still have your hood on."

When you scrambled to shove your hood off you were met with badly hidden snickers and cackles. You slide the boba cup to Ayato an bit your cheek, "Yeah, yeah. . ."

You covered your mouth and yawned as you dug in your apron for the straw, you finally felt it and placed it on his desk as well.

Ayato smilled and leaned back in his chair a bit, "Another job well done, thank you very much Ms. Y/N"

He quickly opened a drawer in his desk, eyebrows raising when he finally found what he was looking for. He raised his hand and motioned for you to come closer, you leaned forward confused on what this unpredictable man was about to do, each time he does this it's a surprise.

Pausing to look at your slightly concerned face he laughed a bit, "Relax, it's just a thank you present."

You were already straightening yourself the moment he said 'Thank you' But he seemed just a bit too quick, there was a baby blue hair pin in your hair. You inspected it and by the feel of it there was definitely gold in it somewhere.

Sighing you closed your eyes and started getting the hair pin out, " Ayato you know I can't accept this, I'm just doing my job and helping you out as much as possible-"

Quickly cut off by hands stopping yours, you opened your eyed and saw Ayato looking down at you with a concerned face.

He tilted his head a bit, "You look more tired than usual, if you're not going to accept the hair pin then please, use my room tonight, I won't be using it."

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