Helping Hand

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The plan had clicked in your head, a sense of security rushed over you but was quickly  overrunning with worry and panic. If your plan would fail you woukd be done for so you went over it once more to yourself to make sure it would work out.

Firstly you would hire a local gang you knew of to take your parents, anything to do with mora and they would be your willing servents. Next you would write a note in your brother's hand writing, luckily it wasn't too hard to replicate as he wrote quickly and lazily. Once the public found your note a search would begin for your parents as no one other than Ayato would be searching for you.

This search should take close to a few weeks if not days considering how much influence the Kamisato Clan has over the police force, if Ayato payed them enough they could probably find your parents in a matter of days.

It would be over for you the moment they got your parents to speak, so there could only be one way out of this, Juno.

Whenever the police "found" you they woukd of course begin asking questions, and of course they'll bring up what your parents said. With all these factors in mind Juno would have to be your scape goat, this plan could work. Ayato would defend you with his life and the public would follow suit knowing that they worship the ground this man walks on.

Finally collecting your thoughts you stood up from the floor and left your parents bedroom. You wandered the halls aimlessly as you let your legs guide you to where you wanted, or as they pleased.

Your hands grazed over the walls until it slipped, you paused and turned your head. There it was, the safe hidden behind a dug out piece of the wallsin case of emergencies and for you this was the biggest emergency of your life.

Taking a hefty pouch of mora out of the safe you quickly concealed it and began walking off to a nearby desk to begin writing the letter that would let you off the hook for the next few days. You grabbed the pen lying on the desk with shaky hands, why we're you hesitating?

Just as your pen hit the paper you heard voices echo from beyond the walls, it was a familiar and comforting voice. " The boat is docking soon so let me finish some stuff up for some extra spending money."

It was Lumine and Paimon, as you heard them chatter amongst themselves an idea burst into your head. Sneak away with them, you could sort everything out with them and once you finished you would return back to Inazuma.

You scraped your original idea of hiring a gang, scrambling to count how many ideas it would take to get to Liyue and sort yourself out. A week or more, seven days you wrote down on the paper.

The pouch next to you was a small size, maybe around five hundred mora or less. Though if you were Lumine and her friends of course they would take pity on a Inazuman woman who has no clue of the outside world.

All the thoughts that were flying aimlessly in your mind had finally calmed down, you weren't ready to face to consequences but you knew they were heading towards you and fast.

Snatching the pouch of Mora you dropped it into the inside pocket of Ayato's robe and looked for the nearest window to vault out of, you're injured state would only make it harder to venture around a new nation.

Maybe this was good, you needed reality to slap you in the face.

Finding am open window you climbed out of it and stumebeld on your way onto the ground, walking up to the wall you unsheathed Ayaka's and felt the material with. On impact it ripped and let the sword sink into it, cheap material was never a good investment in your book.

Cutting a good sized hole you leaned forward as pushed your body weight into it, you came crashing on the other side and toppeled over once again. It didn't matter though, Lumine and Paimon were most likely near Ritou again.

As panic began setting in that your plan would come crashing down you spotted the two, the hope that this would all work out began moving you forward towards the pair. A desperate attempt at calling out to then came out your throat, you didn't even know what the sound was but it grabbed their attention.

Lumine was the first one to turn to you and her expression painted how concerned she was, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw you. " Is something the matter?" She tilted her head slightly to side and looked at you.

With a small nod you exhaled you were preparing, "My brother, I've relieved the information that he is currently residing in Liyue." You gripped onto Lumine's dress, looking her straight in her gleaming eyes, "I need him back home with us, do you know any way I could get to Liyue?"

Lumine lowered her head then gave you a soft smile, lips barely curling up. " Of course, I'm heading there right now, I can get you onto the boat if we-"

You cut her off by placing your hand up, " No need, coming from a noble family comes with it's perks... sometimes." Without waisting a second you walked ahead and began heading to Ritou with the two.

At this point you were trying to speed things up the best you could, Ayato must have noticed you weren't there by now and was most likely loosing it. Thinking you might've been taken from him or worse, you would miss his presence for the time being but it wasn't like you needed him around you every second of every day.

No doubt the search party would begin soon and once they found your parents all hell would break loose, so you better get on this damn boat if you don't want to see Ayato dripping with rage.

The sound of footsteps behind you stopped, when you turned your head to see why you were being held up Lumine had a concerned look on her face. She looked around before locking eyes with you, " I promised to bring a friend back a souvenir from here before we returned and if I don't bring one then I'll get the most passive aggressive stare of a lifetime. " Her and Pain on waved as they raced off back to the city.

Your face was calm for a moment before you felt your breath stop, they would know that you ran away. They would know you lied, shit.

Pivoting around you sprinted to the entrance of Ritou, the guards stiffened at threw their weapons up at you.

"Let me through, I have to go now!" You held your hands in front of your chest, begging the men to let you pass.

They remained like this until they looked behind you and froze, then lowering their weapons and shifting back into position. You looked behind you and locked eyes with a man.

He had a electrifying indigo eyes being complimented by his bold red eyeliner, his gaze was cold and unforgiving like you had interupted him. When he realized you we're staring at him his gaze turned confused, " What's a Kamisato doing all the way out here in Ritou?" His voice was filled with sass as he pointed to the crest on the back of your robe.

Once he spoke those words the guards immediately dropped down into an apology bow, they began singing their praises of you and how they shouldn't have disrespected you. You opened your mouth to say something before an arm reached around your shoulder basically capturing you and walked you into Ritou, walking besides you was the man who questioned your status just a few moments ago.

The guards feared him so obviously he had some kind of power on them, being this close to someone you had no knowledge began to make you more self aware than normal. As the man beside you noticed a change in your demeanor he released you from his uncomfortable grasp.

He looked behind you both and sighed with what sounded like relief, turning his head to you he maintained eye contact before slipping on a sly smile. " Sorry about that, I just needed to act like we were all buddy-buddy so the guards wouldn't suspect anything."

You waved your hand as a sign his apology wasn't needed, " It's quite alright, it would have been awkward to explain why I came to Ritou all the way here by myself anyways."Shifting your gaze to the harbor it was practically empty except for a boat coming in from the distance. When you looked back at the man with you he was also staring at the boat.

Both your eyes contected and he gave you a more casual smile, " I can tell you would like to escape this island, I've done it many times before." His smile grew as he saw the light in your eyes flicker, he was on the right track.

Extending a hand towards your body the man bowed dramatically, " I go by many names, but you may address me as Balladeer."

Sorry for the short chapter, I just looked in my Notion and saw this laying here when I have zero memory of writing it but I didn't wanna add so I just said fuck it 💀

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