Embrace it

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Bro I'm so motivated to write now it's not even funny 💀 Anyways this is gonna have a lot of violence and yelling and all that jazz so be warned

It was you in his arms safe and sound like you should be. This was the paradise he dreamed of making for himself, one where he could live comfortably with the people he held close.

Slowly shuffling the blanket off his body Ayato stood up and looked down at you sleeping peacefully, something he wishes he could see each morning.

As he turned towards his closet Ayato chose his most comfortable clothes, he wouldn't be seeing anyone as per usual so his appearance wasn't the biggest thing on his mind.

Sifting his fingers through his light blue hair he slipped on a robe, not bothering to put on a shirt.

Opening the door to his office Ayato noticed it's pristine condition, he guessed Thoma must have made an appearance while you and him slept.

With a sigh the man walked over to his desk and sat down, he needed to catch up after being distracted the last few days. But for you it was all worth it.

The papers would be piling up with each breath he took, the more work he would be responsible for the less time he would have to take care of you. These toughts brought Ayato's mind to a different space where the outside world disappeared and it was only him and his work.

As Ayato was being entranced by his own work, you soon woke up and took a moment to remind yourself where you were, you still weren't mentally living in the Kamisato residency yet.

When you sat up your entire body reacted by giving you a harsh kick of soreness, your eyes being pulled down to look at the bandages wrapped around both yours arms as well as the ones encasing your legs.

The rain gently hitting the roof ripped your attention away from your body, reminding you of life outside this grand estate.

Ayato notied the ran as it too brought him out of his trance, that's when his eyes shifted over to you.

Standing up from his perch Ayato ploped himself next to you, taking your clothe covered hands in his own. " Be honest, how do you feel?" Head slightly tilting down at you.

You stared at the top of his robe a moment before answering, " I feel fine, I know I'm not tired but everything feels slow." Your own eyes narrowing at your words in confusion, desperately trying to think of another word to describe the state you were in right now.

Shaking your head you look up at Ayato, " To put it simply, I do feel drained but sleeping won't satify me. " A comfortable silence lingered between the both of you until Ayato placed his head on your head.

Using his other hand he brought your bandaged knuckled to his lips, " Don't worry, I understand." Bringing your hand down he flipped your hand and began pressing gentle circled into your palm, " You're not alone, not when you're with me."

His gaze fell to your neck, lowering his head down amd hovering his mouth just above it. Hands trailing up your arms and stopping at your shoulders.

Pressing you into his chest Ayato let his lips ghost your neck, feeling the corners of his mouth turn upwards. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you let your head rest on his shoulder.

His breath sent shivers up your spine, you pressed your face deeper into his shoulder and gripped at his hair. This was it, his final push.

Ayato opened his mouth, you felt his teeth graze over your neck.

You both paused when footsteps were heard making their way down the hall at an alarming pace. Ayato quickly shut his mouth and lifted his head to face the closed door, wrapping his arms around your body as your head rested on his shoulder while your eyes also peered at the door.

Property of Kamisato Ayato ( Ayato x Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant