Chapter 5

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(a/n this image does not belong to me)

The girl looked outside the car's window as it parked in front of the manor, before opening her door and getting out. She looked around. There were no signs of surprise or amazement for the huge manor in her face. Perhaps because she had been living in a manor almost as huge as this for some time now.

She followed Miss Forest to the manor's main door and waited next to her as the woman rang the bell.

A click was heard before the door opened slightly to let an old, but quite well kept man come out.

"If it isn't for Miss Forest and her daughter" the neatly dressed butler, as Evelyn assumed, said in a monotone and somehow amused tone laced with a thick British accent.

"Hello Alfred. I'm sure Bruce informed you about the circumstances" the woman said in the same British accent, a polite smile on her face.

"But of course. Please do come in" the butler said as he opened the door wider for the two to come in.

The two walked deeper inside the manor, that was somehow even more astonishing than its outside. But still there was no expression on the girl's face other than a polite smile to the butler who was standing a few meters beside her, before going upstairs to inform his master of their arrival.

A man with dark hair, neatly brushed back, and handsome features came down the stairs along with Alfred. He was well-dressed in a tuxedo and held his composure as he was going down the stairs, while there was a big nostalgic smile on his face as he laid eyes on the two.

"Bruce..." Miss Forest said, letting out a gentle sigh and smiling. "It's been a while..."

The man shook hands with her and offered a small but genuine smile.

"I am really glad to see you again, Ellie. It sure has been so long" he said holding her hand"And this must be Evelyn" the man smiled and turned to the girl offering her his hand for a handshake. "I am Bruce Wayne"

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wayne" she said, shaking his hand and offering a polite smile.

"Please call me Bruce" the man said, smiling. The girl nodded and let go of his hand.

"It was very nice seeing you Bruce but sadly I should be going or I'll miss my flight. Thank you very much for taking care of Evelyn and if any problem arises please do not hesitate to give me a call" the old woman said.

They nodded to each other and she stroked Evelyn's hair one last time before Alfred walked her to the door.

"I'd like for you to feel this manor as your second home for as long as you are staying here, Evelyn. I'll make sure to have someone show you around later, but right now I'll show you to your room" Bruce said and grabbed her things from the floor.

The girl followed the man closely behind and up the stairs. They went to the second floor, down a corridor and they stopped in front of a door. He set her suitcase down and pulled a key out of his pocket. They walked in the room and Bruce set Evelyn's suitcases on the floor.

"This is the room's key and if you need any help with anything Alfred will be on the ground floor. Make yourself at home" he said.

"Thank you for having me" the girl smiled.

The man smiled back and got out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The girl looked around her new room, the smile slowly fading away and her expression returning to her typical blank one. She let out a sigh and started unpacking her things.


Hello people!

I'm alive and back with a new chapter. It's been like what?! Two weeks or somethin' since I last updated BUT school is killing me! We have like tons of homework and we write a 15-minute math's test on every lesson because 5 people can't keep their mouths shut!

But let's get back to the story.

I know it's not so exciting but in the next chapter I will introduce a new and long-awaited character in the story. Bet you can guess who.

So if you have any ideas on how I should make the introduction between the two, please leave a comment and tell me.

As always if you have any questions/ suggestions/ advice leave a comment.

Bye luvs (◠‿◕)

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