(2) Nico

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"Uh yeah. Why do you ask?" Nico asked the girl. "And who even are you?" The girl spoke, "My name is Mi, daughter of Athena. I received a note from you..." the girl opened the box and shook the note. "Oh yeah." Nico mentally facepalmed. He put it in Hades cabin not too long ago, about a week or so ago while the camp was at Capture The Flag. He didn't think anyone would find it since there was only a few children of the Big Three in the world. "How did you find it Mi? It was in the Hades cabin." Then Nico realized he was being rude. "Oh sorry and you can come on in." Im stepped in and started to talk. "My siblings don't really welcome me in the athena cabin. I hang out in Hades cabin more, and Hades blessed me but it feels more like he claimed me." Nico nodded. "Well why don't you tell me about yourself."

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