(4) Mi

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Mi was confused, but she did as Cleo asked. She walked in the south woods. "Uh hello?" She called out every few minutes. Her heads where spinning in questions. Who was this girl? How do Cleo and the girl know each other? Why did she in away? It was strange no doubt. Soon she heard a twig snap. She spun, to see Nico. "Oh hey Nico. Since you and Cleo know eachother, what's up with her?" She asked out of curiosity. "Oh." Nico's face darkened in the light of his flashlight. "I think Cleo should explain when she wants to." Mi nodded understanding, but still a little curious- who wouldn't be? "I understand." Mi says. "You look familiar." Nico blurts out. Mi stares at him for a moment. "You do too, but u can't put my finger on it. Maybe we knew arch other in the past, maybe thats why we connected quickly." Mi suggested. "Yeah, most likely." Nico says walking next to Mi. "Let's go find that girl."

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