chapter 1 - Viral

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Dawson handed the HOSE clamp to Guzmen.

"Damn I almost got knocked on my ass why the hell are these so hard to handle"

"This is why I told you to listen during training they showed you how to hold it correctly"

"Yea I get it already"

The two walked back to the fire truck

"Good job you two but next time pay attention Guzman"

"Yes sir"

"You two only have a year left before you can become fullyfleged fire fighters so are you going to join"

"Yea I enjoy helping people like my dad and I know Guzman wants to prove herself so we expect to see you next year chief"

"Speaking of your dad how is he"

"He is doing better his knee wont be the same but he does not seem to care after all he has to take care of my little sister now"

The chief humed to let dawson know that he was listening to what she had said as they got into the fire truck to go back to the station.

-time skip-

Dawson drove in to the drive way of her house it looked like a miniature mansion with a gate around it. Although her father told her mother not to get such a big house she still did she was not someone to shy away from spending and with her job she has a lot of money so it was never an issue.

Dawson walked to the house

"I'm Home!"

Light thumping could be heard before dawson got knocked down by something small


"Sorry but welcome home!!"

"Careful, glad to be home and where is dad"

"Dad is in the kitchen right now"

"And is mom home yet"


"Okay c'mon"

"hey dad"

"Hey pumpkin how did the test go"

"Went well"

"You start school soon dont you"

"They canceled it a volatile escaped they dont want to risk it yet"

"Didnt they vaccinate everyone"

"Some people didnt, like always you know the usual so for now school is canceled indefinitely"

*sigh* " so much for the school supplies but what about being a fire fighter dont you need your diploma"

"Yea but I'm taking it online I should be done soon before I turn 18"

"Oh does your mother know"

"Yea she is the one who helped me set it up"

"Ok well come up and get a plate I made pasta your least favorite"

"Dont be like that I love your cooking dad"

"Thank you now eat up and help me clean"


- 2 year time skip -


The firefighter fell through the roof of the small 2 floor house before the flaming inferno rose through the opening escaping.


"ON IT!"

Dawson without hesitation stepped into the blazing inferno falling down



sighting the injured firefighter they scrambled to them and started to drag them to the designated location



The room dawson was in slowly started to heat up smoke covering the ceiling the hairs on dawson's neck raised


The other firefighter with Guzmen backed away so that dawson could climb out but it was to late, everything in the room setting ablaze

Dawson climbed out and down the emergency ladder, as they walked towards the ambulance their gear smoked some rogue flames still lit and the protective gear melted

"Fuck sakes"

Dawson fell on their knees and started taking off the gear until she was only in the ruined fire supression pants and firefighter shirt completely unharmed

"Damn dawson that was close"

"Yea now tell me how is Guzmen"

"She is doing alright just a sprained ankle but the pain made her pass out"

*sigh* "thanks"

"No problem drink some cold water and help with the hoses we have a long night ahead of us"


Dawson's head snapped towards the direction the scream was heard and spotting a viral attacking one of the civilians that stood in a perimeter of the fire.

Dawson got up running to the fire truck opening one of the compartments and pulling out a firemans axe.

The viral saw dawson and started to sprint towards dawson as dawson prepared herself she swung


The virals body collided with the truck just after its head connected with the ground

"Fucking god I will never get used to that"

Dawson looked over at the tired Guzman she had taken off her helmet showing her straight hair that just about reached her jawline and as white as the apalachicola mountains

Breaking out of her trance dawson quickly followed protocol

Dawson spoke through her radio
"Viral spotted and eliminated need proper back up might be more also have a patient that was bit admitting antizin"


Dawson took a kit from the truck and rushed towards the bitten victim

"Hey what's up dude. do not worry you wont turn got some anti right here. you will go to the hospital to patch you up. you will be ok and I have to ask are you vaxxed?"

"N-no, fuck this HURTS"

"Ok thank you c'mon I'll take you to the ambulance"

dawson slung his arm around her shoulder and walked him to the medical personal

"Gave him antizin if you could patch up the bite that would be greatly appreciated"

"of course set him down here"

Dawson set the guy down and with axe in hand walked over to the now awake Guzman

"Careful next time I wont save you"

"Yea sorry about that thanks though"

"Mhmm here take this might be some virals in the area keep yourself safe until the night runners arrive I got to go help put the fire out now"

"You to be careful I'll be fine"

Humming a response to each other dawson left to help around while also making sure everyone was accounted for after all it was a long night

In total word count is 1004

Thank you all for reading
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