Chapter 1 - viral (Rewrite)

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Dawson ran towards the firefighter in training getting whipped around uncontrollably by the force of the hose jumping on it getting it under control before the water pressure was cut "guzmen while you do need to workout more you didnt let go of the hose so good job and good job dawson you jumped in to control the hose still you both got a long ways to go but you did better than this years male recruits" the two picked up the hose wrapping it up on the fire truck "alright exercise complete now let's head inside you two take a shower and go with the others to clean the gear"

"Ok chief"

"Yes chief"

The two headed to the showers to clean up

"Hey guzmen wanna hang out after we clean the gear"

"Yogurt land?"

"Sure I dont mind"

"Then yes I wanna hangout that place the shit"

The two shared laughs as they showered in peace

Getting out they got clothed in a standard blue shirt along with blue cargo pants followed by the black steel toe boots

"Let's head with the others were going to start cleaning soon"


The fire alarm went off before they left the showers triggering what they had learned to do in this situation they dashed down the hallway into the stations garage.


Every one threw on their gear and got into the fire trucks. Driving down the roads the fire lit up in the distance with the pitch black of night behind it.

Arriving at the scene the company got to work rushing out of the trucks pulling out the fire hoses and connecting them and directing the water at the house.

"Guzmen, Dawson  get on that roof and make some holes we dont want a flashover and you Blinder assist them"

The three acknowledged their orders. Blinder took out a long tungsten rod used to open up holes in the roof while  Dawson and Guzmen recovered a ladder to get onto the roof.

"I'll hold the ladder you two go up" Blinders course voice said as the crackling of the fire raged on. Dawson and guzmen climbed the ladder quickly setting their footing on the slanted roof the rubber boots they wore didnt stop them from feeling the heat it was like they stood in a pan barefoot.

"Dawson I'm taking the lead!" The fire and water making a sizzling sound muffling the screaming of guzmen "Got I-" before they could confirm the roof under guzmens feet started collapsing.

Dawson jumped into action quickly grabbing onto guzmen using all of her strength dawson pulled guzmen over onto a solid peace of roofing.

The hole in the roof was promptly erupting a hellfire as the fire got more oxygen. "*Buzz- chief the roof has collapsed what do we do now *click"

"*Buzz.....Get down here and help disperse the crowd right now you to blinder *click" Dawson supported guzmen when she tried to stand up and moving to where the ladder was the two started to slowly descend.

Blinder seeing guzmen injured slung his arm around her to help support her "let's get her to the truck" dawson's voice came out dry and raspy. Setting down guzmen the fire started to seem more out of control prompting Blinder to run to the other firefighters to help leaving dawson to care for guzmen.

Guzmen's breathing was ragged "......water...please" dawson opened up the the truck and quickly got out some bottled water, taking off guzmens oxygen mask the girl seemed to tired to even hold the bottle of water you could see she was suffering from the heat. "Take off your oxygen tank and bunker coat cmon" with some help they managed to take the items off.

Guzmen was still to tired to lift her head up so dawson pitched her cheeks with her hand and poured some water onto her lips. Guzmens messy straight hair reaching just below her jawline was filled with ash complimenting her white hair and tired look with her eyes practically shut. Breathing exasperated guzmen lifted her head looking at dawson "" taking off her helmet and coat along with her oxygen tank dawson looked worried "no problem stay put I'll get an EMT to get you an iv" guzmen could only nod weakly.

Dawson stood up and walked to the crowd gathering "I need you all to disperse its dangerous to be out here this late!!" Dawson's raspy voice did her no wonders the people did not react to her request to disperse so she got ready to use more drastic measures.

Dawson didnt have a chance to process what had occurred one second she was about to disperse the crowd another second she is on the ground but she didnt have time to be confused she started thrashing until she noticed a biter had attacked her. She was helpless biters are the least dangerous infected type but it still was powerful and if you dont have super strength or at least a weapon luck of escaping its grasp is nearly impossible.

*BANG!!  A ear shattering shot broke through the air. Dawson still to scared to open her eyes felt the biter fall by the wayside. Slowly opening her eyes she noticed the dead biter next to her and a police officer with a gun looking around expecting more of the infected to show up but none did.

The officer came running up to dawson and reached out a hand "ma,am are you ok" dawson was shocked but snapped out of it "yes I am thank you"
Dawson got up from her sitting hunch her hair letting blood drip from it. looking over to where she had left guzmen, she sat their unconscious which alarmed her "my colleague over their is unconscious could you get a EMT to check them out" she pleaded worryingly the officer picked up on it and quickly got someone to check on the girl who looked worse for wear before running off and dispersing the remaining civilians.


"Hey smoky how are you doing"

"Smoky?" Guzmen woke up to dawson at the edge of the hospital bed she rested in "yea smoky" dawson held up a box of cigarettes "where did you get that" guzmens eyes widened "they fell out of your pocket while we were moving you to an ambulance" guzmens face fell "does anyone else know" dawson didnt know much about guzmen but she felt like she could trust her "no so far only I know but if the chief finds out he wont be happy we both know it"

"What is it that you want" guzmen felt like she was being blackmailed "nothing much just answer some questions what do you say"

"Fine what do you want to know"

"Why do you smoke"

"Calms my nerves"

"You do know smoking can kill you right"

"No shit so does breathing the smoke from fires"

"Oh sassy huh.....I like it my names Avery what about yours"

"Uh I'm going to ignore what you said and my names Jessica"

"Can I call you jess"


"To bad anyways we have a week off want to hang out"

Jess sighed at the girl in front of her avery didnt care what she said she just did what she wants


"Perfect want to come over to my place we can watch a movie do be warned though you should pack for a day or two I live outside of the city about 1 hour away on a good day"

"On a good day?"

"Yea so what do you say"

"I don't have a choice"

"Great! Oh and also catch" avery threw the box of cigarettes at the girl "I'll be back I'm going to sigh you out and we can pick up your stuff on the way to my place" avery was walking out the door before she was interrupted "hey how old are you again"

"20 how about you"

"21 so you live by yourself

Avery stayed quiet for a little to long before she talked "yes I do I'm going to get you checked out real quick" jess found the behavior strange but didnt have time to pry.

Decided to rewrite this I hope it's not a problem and hope you enjoyed

Total word count 1392

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