chapter 3 - The Woods

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"We cut across the parking lot behind the cars I parked across the road just stay close and we can make it"

"This is a shit plan let's go"

"Its all we got really"

"What about the fire extinguisher we can slow it down that way"

"True alright then jess grab it since it's your idea"

Grabbing the fire extinguisher the three got ready facing the back door readying themselves, they were taught volitiles were the most dangerous of all the infected and right now their was one standing outside waiting for its prey.

Avery opened the door quietly and looked around carefully before signaling that it was clear "let's go"
They started running across the parking lot everything going as planned and they had yet to see the volitile screech or even notice them "seems were in the clear ave" they reached the other road getting closer to the truck.

They decided to go around a parked car "hey jess why is their a bio case on the ground" and before they got to answer a bomber that was out of view behind a van noticed them blowing up flipping the car and tossing Avery to the ground "Avery!"

Almost as if planned the volitile's screech could be heard along with the virals garguling of fluids "get up ave we have to go now!"

Avery struggled to get up forcing kel and jess to go and help her reach the truck "Quickly!" Avery dug around her pockets pulling out the keys and opening the doors with everyone proceeding to jump into the truck with jess in the driver seat stepping on the gas.

"What the hell was that thing it just exploded!" Kel expressed shock for the first time in about the 40 minutes since they met eachother

"I dont know but it might have something to do with the biomarker case"


"Oh yea ave you ok you did just take a explosion"

"Just some bone shrapnel in my leg its lucky I'm not dead but I can still drive"

"What no why"

"You dont know exactly where I live"

"Just tell me the way"

"No just switch seats plus were already in the outskirts"

"But the volitile could still be after us"

"It is just turn on the uv lamps around the car"

"The what since when where those installed"

Avery switched the trucks uv lamps on and moved around switching seats with jess

"That's better now kel can you pass jess the bandages in the glove box"

Kel dug through the box as Avery started to drive again keeping the lights on

"Thanks kel now let me get a better look"

"Turn on the light inside on"

"Ok let's see what we are working with"

"When is the rain going to stop"

"I'm guessing you moved here recently"

"About 3 months ago why?"

"Because its common knowledge that it rains non-stop here"

"Yea once it starts it usually lasts about 2 or 3 days never less but I guess it's because we live next to a large area of water"

"Hey ave once we get to your place we need to get rid of the bone shrapnel right now all I can do is disinfect it and bandage it"

"That's fine"

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