chapter 4 - Relations

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The gate opened for the truck to drive through the long driveway which has been overgrown by greenery spanning every inch of the miniature mansion.

"Hey jess....were here"

"You really have not been here for a while"

"Yea something's might be overgrown"

Avery pushed a button on a controller making the garage door shudder slightly trying to opened under the overgrowth before finally breaking free and opening for the vehicle to enter. Parking the truck avery got out with jess immediately following "avery your leg let me help you" jess rushed to Averys side taking weight of the injured  leg.

"Let's wake up kel and go turn the lights on" jess leaned Avery against the wall before quickly waking up the sleeping kel and rushing back to averys side to help her walk about "ok let's turn the lights on" as the garage doors close the three left the room heading to breaker room "why does it look abandoned" kel asked breaking the silence "later"


Avery flipped the UV light switch on making the ground of the mansion turn on

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