Untitled Part 4

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You really want me to have your number? Jumin said as he smiled, "you know I cant take a phone to save my damn life, let alone have you heard my jokes, you really want to put up with that all day?" He joked as he grabbed one of the business cards from his pocket and wrote his personal phone number on the back. "You'll really text me at any time, I thought It was only for emergencies?" Mc smiled and slowly took the piece of paper from him. "Have you been in some of these classes MC?, they are an emergency" Jumin laughed causing Sarah to peer her head round the corner.

Sarah looked furious as she walked up to MC and Jumin, "Jumi baby" she called in a high shearing voice which cause Jumin to tense up and roll his eyes, "Jumi why are you over here future husband, hanging out with the poor, clearly just doing your community service huh? " she smiled fakily towards mc almost grimacing. "What were you talking about?, it better have be me" she laughed her voice shrill.

"No sarah I was talking to MC because were friends" Jumin replied staring her dead in the face. "And for the last time I'm not your husband, future, past or present so please stop calling me that, it gives people the wrong impression". He said clearly grated by her butting in on his conversation.

"Really Jumi you're going to insult me in front of trash like her?" She hissed back unaware that people had started to gather. Mc looked around and started to feel super conscious about herself, this wasnt even her fault but she felt like she was the cause. "I'll see you later Jumin" Mc smiled and waved as she tried to remove herself from the situation.

"Dont try to leave, you bitch" sarah glared at her, mc nodded and held her books to her chest, her eyes welling with tears. "Sarah I think we need to talk about this another time" jumin sighed looking over at the scared and mortified MC. He was extremely worried for her and never knew how much damage a simple text would cause.

"No this exactly the right time Jumin!" Sarah said grabbing his collar and stamping her foot like a spoiled brat, throwing a temper tantrum. " Sarah you have 3 seconds to remove your hand from my collar and to back off before I forbid my father to help your families businesses" Jumin gladed intensely, causing MC and the others around her to shake in fear. It even made sarah drop her hand and walk away in a huff.

"Are you okay mc?" I'm sorry if we frighten you. "I would love to text you, but I have to get to class, you have my number now so please dont hesitate" he said stressed as he turned and walked away toward his classroom.
MC stared blankly at the note, unsure of what had just transpired in front of her. Jumin had basically told Sarah to piss off and that he wasnt interested. Honestly to MC it felt extremely rewarding

7 hours later

The whole day went past by quickly without any other issue, in fact Sarah and her bitches seemed to stay as far away as possible from MC, which happened to be exactly what she wanted. She had tried to send Jumin a message but just couldnt find the right words. I mean how do you tell the world most popular teenager that  you're thankful for him standing up to sarah for you? . Mc sighed as she left the school building, she had to walk for about 30 minutes before she got home and it had just started to rain. "Why am I so stupid that I forgot a umbrella today" she said mentally telling herself off. 

She grabbed her coat from her bag and threw it over her, at least this would  keep her uniform slightly dry whilst she walked and with that she head out. 

She hadnt made it very far when a car sped past her causing a huge splash of water to soak MC. She stood ther dripping wet, from head to toe, he hair was caked in muddy water and her uniform for the day was ruined. She looked to see who it was that had splashed her on to see Sarah's bright pink car in front of her and arm sticking out the window flipping her off. "That's for trying to steal my fucking boyfriend" she yelled as she sped off. Mc sighed ,tears threatening to fall for her eyes, decided that she wasn't worth it, how was she going to catch her anyway. It was pathetic and no use, she was a omega and sarah was an alpha, she'd have to get used to always being bottom of the pack anyway. 

Mc trudged along water filling her shoes and making her socks soaked and squelch, at this rate she was going to get Ill she thought to her and then flighted as she heard a car approaching. She turned to look just a she say a limo pull up beside her. The back window winding down.  "Hey you okay?" A soft but deep voice called.

"Jumin" MC said lighting up inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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