Lets talk?

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"So I don't make you uncomfortable to be around" Mc blushed as she asked surprised by his answer, "I am after all just an omega, you know the bottom of the pack if anyone should be uncomfortable here it's me, saying that thankyou" She sighed as she watched the Alpha; shocked that he was letting her look at him for so long.

"To be honest MC" he looked over at her and smiled when he saw her mouth agape. "Yes I know your name" he laughed happily as he pushed her jaw together. MC was so confused Jumin didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all around her even with her heat which although it was slowly diminishing; would cause an Alpha of his standard to become possessive and pushy. But here he was sat on the floor smiling and laughing with a girl he'd never had a conversation with; looking as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"The truth is Mc, I hate 'hanging out with the Alpha's" he spat as he made air quotes with his fingers. "My father, the media, my friends, the business, my dad's girlfriends, Sarah, the partners, and everyone expects me to be perfect. But I'm not, not by a long stretch, and pretending makes me tired and feel so lonely." He breathed deeply, angry that he was getting so worked up. Mc gave a small sigh and listened intently as he continued.

"So to be honest when I saw you" a small smile appeared on his lips and he turned to face MC. "I thought that maybe you'd like to talk about it and maybe I could tell someone how it felt to be me without needing to be perfect" he sighed his voice breaking from the emotions that he held tightly inside of him. MC smiled and scooted closer to the teenage boy, she placed her arms around him and embraced him in a tight hug.

At first, the young man tensed in her arms unsure what was happening but the warmth it spread through his body made him want more so he wrapped his arms around MC and pulled her close burying his face into her neck. He breathed deeply, she smelt of candy floss, honey, and apple shampoo, he growled possessively at the smell, he liked it and wanted her to be his no matter the cost but he knew that he couldn't, and declaring he liked her scent would be bad.

MC paused when she heard him growl and snuggle deeper into her neck but she passed it off as a side effect of the heat. A while passed and MC wondered how long the hug should continue and was about to ask him if he was okay when Jumin began to pull away. He smiled happily at her and ruffled her hair gently with his big hands, she blushed and giggled.

"Sorry" he whispered as he placed his hand upon her cheek and looked shocked over the sparks that flew through his palm. He brushed his thumb against her soft skin and smiled happily "I've always wanted to ruffle someone's hair and do this but i haven't had the time or the right person to allow me" he sighed and dropped his hand much to MC's dismay.

"Jumin, do you wanna be friends with me?" MC whispered quietly unsure of his answer. "I mean I completely understand if you don't, considering the whole Alpha, omega thing, people may get the wrong idea but I'd love for you to be imperfect around me" she smiled and watched as the shocked male stood up and paced back and forth through the classroom.

She watched as he stopped and strode over to her. "Deal," he said placing a hand out in front of him. She looked at him confused her head tilted to the left in confusion, Jumin couldn't help but think she looked like a very cute and innocent creature. "Do you want me to shake it?" She said as she caught his eye and immediately dropped her gaze. He grimaced he would have to tell her it was okay for her to keep eye contact with him. He laughed at her comment though and shook his head "no Mc I want you to help yourself up with it so I can hug you as a friend would".

She glanced up again and he caught her line of vision, she held it for a few seconds but dropped it again. "Stop that!" He commanded his voice raising it slightly, startling her. She jumped back and stared wide-eyed at him unsure of his sudden outburst. He forgot that she was an omega and even the slightest bit of dominance would be respected and overpowering. "Sorry," he said as he pulled her up off the floor and calmed her breathing. 

"I just didn't want you to drop your gaze from me, it doesn't matter if you've been taught differently I want to make eye contact with you and have normal conversations, is that okay?" He asked softly and he turned her chin up so she looked up at him.

"Of course" she mumbled and stared at him a smile forming on her face. "Now where's this hug I've been promised," she said cheekily as a devil grin plastered itself on her face. Jumin laughed and wrapped her up in a hug yet again loving the feel of her body against his and her scent.

They broke away and gave each other a small smile. Jumin moved to the door, and before leaving he turned "I'll see you soon, are you sure you have enough tablets?" He asked worriedly. He looked concerned and it warmed Mcs heart. He was such a sweetheart.

"I think I have enough to last me two weeks at home, I'll be fine considering they only last 3-4 days max" she sighed and glanced at him happily "thankyou, it was really sweet of you to help me out today". Jumin looked down at the floor and blushed as she thanked him, MC giggled, it was nice he could be himself around her, even if the situation was a little odd and she hadn't expected this to play out this way.

"It's no problem, after all, I am Mr perfect" Jumin sighed as he lifted his head, rolled his eyes, and raised an eyebrow.  MC giggled again "Yeah yeah Mr perfect, now go greet your adoring public, they're be waiting".

Jumin growled playfully at her and left; the smile on his face slowly slipping away as he left the room. MC sighed deeply unsure but grateful for what had happened and that Jumin had wanted nothing but to talk.

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