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kirvytim - letterme.com

Kirvy Timothy

Kirvyyyyyyyyyy! Gad! Before writing this, I talked to my mom---thru video call, ofc---we talked about how our day went. I told her it was magnificent! My club mates and I practiced our performance for the upcoming nutrition month celebration. If you haven't asked me yet (which is impossible since you don't know me huhu) I belong to the music club! I have a very angelic voice ~~

My club mates often teased me that I look like an angel and I also have an angelic voice, they said that maybe I was an angel during my past life haha! They're so silly right? Everytime they'll say those stuffs, I just answered them with an awkward smile. I love to be complimented because it boosts my confidence but I don't know how to react! But I do appreciate it, I just don't know how to show it sighs.

I'll end it here. I really hope you had a nice day. Good night, Kirv!

Yours faithfully,

Lazy <3

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