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After decades of separation and a form of peace, another war broke out. To some extent.

It was awfully one-sided. Ciro, the Nation of Unnaturals, didn’t actually fight back. It took the hits with a proud stance.

The Naturals were too well prepared for the Unnaturals to use their Gifts to fight back. They had been making preparations for years. They wanted control over everyone.

In retaliation, the Family that led Ciro took more human ways of fighting.

I stood up stiffly after pouring the last glass and stared straight ahead with the anaconda wrapped around my waist and shoulders.

Tears pricked my eyes and the guards watched in disbelief as the Regal and his men foamed at the mouth and started to panic.

Their lab created poison was lethal, after all. Don't know how it's safe to keep such a thing in a van.

I felt Kirex place his hand on my shoulder.

I continued to stare ahead as they all collapsed on the table.

Ciro had won the battle.

And I was a Crossfire.

I broke down and cried.

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