Getting Sucked in

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Dakota POV:
I walked into my bedroom holding snacks and closed my door, sitting on my bed with my two best friends Lily and Katy "Ready, to watch My Hero Academia? I got some chips, chocolates, and sour patch kids." I smiled Katy said "ooo mine!" She grabbed the sour patch kids. I grab some chocolate laughing at Katy. Lily grabbed a bag of chips also laughing at Katy I pressed a MY Hero Academia episode I said "poor Bakugou he got kidnapped by the League Of Villains I would beat their asses." My two best friends laughed. I flipped my brown hair dramatically "they won't see me coming." Lily said "Yea, they will you sound like an elephant." I said "You guys are so, mean... As I started to fake cry they both started laughing Katy said "This is DK." Flipped her long blonde hair over and over dramatically "oh, Bakugou sempai notice mee!" Lily laughs and said "Yeah, or." Flipped short curly blonde hair dramatically "Be my husband Bakugou I already picked my kids names out their names will be Sakura Bakugou and Ryan Bakugou." I said "Guys why are you so, mean?" both said "because we can be." We started eating our snacks while having our eyes on the TV until a storm came out of nowhere and the lights turned off." Dakota said "Umm... KitKat, Lulu was there supposed to be a storm today?"

~Hi, it's the author Dakota's Nickname from her friends is DK and Katy Nickname is KitKat and Lily Nickname is Lulu.~

Katy POV:

We were just goofing around and watching My Hero Academia at the same time until a storm came out of nowhere the power turned off than DK asked us." Dakota said "umm... KitKat, Lulu was there supposed to be a storm today?" I said "uhh.. No it wasn't, the weather forecast said it'll be sunny and nice all day and night." I was trying to figure out something with Lulu until DK shouted at us to look at her TV we did. Somehow the TV was all static until there was a swirly warm hole Lulu than said "what the hell?" We than got sucked in we fell on the ground on top of each other in the middle of a dark shady alleyway I said "Ouch.." Lily said "Shit.. That hurts." Dakota said "my everything hurts" I said "where are we?" While looking around I got up off the floor so, did Lulu and DK.

Lily POV:

"What the hell is going on?" I went to fix my hair but my hair is now brown and in another style. I said "Huh?! My hair!" DK and KitKat looked over at me Dakota said "Not just you hair but your clothes too" Lily said "What!?" Katy said "yeah, and you got freckles now too" I touched my face than my clothes I said "you guys changed too!" DK looked at her hair and it's pink now than her clothes Dakota said "what the?" Katy looked at her hair too and it's fire red than her clothes Katy said "what the heck when did we changed and color our hair?" Then we heard footsteps walking to us we turned around and saw
a man with a black trance coat a patched up body and mysterious blue eyes.

~I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment~

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