Staying at Deku's

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Sakura POV:

I said "Midoriya, I umm... We have no place to live if you don't mind can we stay at your house until we can afford an apartment?" Deku said "Sure, come with me" me and the girls and Deku finally arrived at Deku's house, Deku opened the door Deku said "Mom, I'm home and I brought some friends" I see Deku's mom walked to us. Inko said "Izuku!" She looks at us and said "Welcome, Izuku never brought friends over here before make yourselves at home umm...? I said "Sakura Strawberry" Yuki said "Yuki Sama" Taga said "Taga Saige" Inko said "lovely names, my name is Inko Midoriya and you met my son Izuku Midoriya" I said "nice to meet you Inko" I smiled Yuki and Taga nodes in response. Deku said "mom, Sakura, Yuki, and Taga doesn't have anywhere to live at can they stay here until they get an apartment?" Inko said "Sure, why not you girls go to Izuku room I'm going to make dinner" Deku said "Okay, mom" we all went into Deku's room my thoughts: {Deku looks embarrassed} I said "don't worry Midoriya we don't judge that your a fanboy of All Might we get it, we understand" Deku said "thanks, guys I never had friends like you" we smiled Yuki said "I'm glad we're here to help you" Taga said "So, who's that blondie?" Taga thoughts: {Just trying to pretend I don't know, anything hopefully Sakura doesn't blow it soon she's more of a huge fan than us combine} Deku said "Oh, his name is Kacchan we used to be childhood friends but I haven't manifest a quirk but all the others did I was bullied amongst the kids including Kacchan Sakura thoughts: {Deku looks sad poor thing} now middle school ended I wanted to go to UA my dream is to become a hero to save everyone with a smile on my face" Deku smiled big I said "we're with you there I don't know if we got a quirk we never tested it our family hated quirks so, when we were born we didn't know anything, than they died" Yuki thoughts: {wow, what a sad childhood and horrible family you made up for us 🤦‍♀️} Deku said "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that guys" Taga said "Nah, we're learn soon maybe we do have a quirk never know" Deku smiled

Inko POV:

Izuku, went to his room with his new friends Inko's thoughts: {I'm happy he's making friends and brought them home} while cooking some fish and fried rice, after awhile I finished cooking and set the dinning table with five plates of meals on the table and said "Kids, time for dinner" the three girls came down with Izuku for the meal I went and sat down also I said "So, girls any dreams for the future? Sakura said "A hero, to protect everyone, I'm always constantly worrying about everyone's safety Sakura smiled. Taga said "sleep....." Sakura said "But you already do that though" we all laughed Taga said "yeah, your right I want to become a hero too" Yuki said "same, here I want to become a hero" Izuku smiled big I said "That's a dangerous job though Izuku wants to be a hero like All Might but do take care and be fantastic ones" with a sad smile Sakura gave me a sudden hug showing not to worry about a thing I hugged back and started crying Sakura said "Shh.. Inko it's unhealthy to stress out all the time, everything will be okay promise and I'll even look after Midoriya for you we let go of each other and Sakura wiped my tears away and sat back down Sakura smiled her bright warming smiled at me and I felt better "Thanks, I needed that Sakura" we said our prayers and we ate the girls and Izuku went upstairs

Sakura POV: 

I said "Let's have a sleepover!" While Deku, Yuki, and Taga are on his bed talking I went into his closet pulling out three blankets and pillows and putting them on the floor just like how it was like in the rooms of the trip to a camp like this:

I said "Done, what you guys talking about?" Deku said "We were talking about All Might, and who's your favorite hero" I said "All Might" we all drifting our heads until it was night time we were all in our beds of course Deku was the first one to ...

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I said "Done, what you guys talking about?" Deku said "We were talking about All Might, and who's your favorite hero" I said "All Might" we all drifting our heads until it was night time we were all in our beds of course Deku was the first one to sleep I got up tiptoed and gave him a goodnight kiss on his cheek I whispered ("Sleep tight, Midoriya and sleep well") I put his phone from his hand turned it off and put it on his night stand tucking him in after taking his shoes off put them at the foot of his bed I went back into my made bed Taga said ("Did you really had to baby him like that?")

~So, () means whispering just so, you know.~

I said ("yes, yes I do he is just a cute little cinniamon roll") Yuki said ("heh your weird") I said ("aren't we all?") we went to sleep than morning rolls in Deku woke up first after him we did too I gave a big yawn and stretch I said "morning, Midoriya" Yuki said "Morning" Taga said "Morning" Deku smiled and said "Morning umm.." Than he finds his phone on his side table Deku put his feet off the bed to show he's about to stand but he sees no shoes on his feet I said "Sorry, last night when you went to sleep I took my opportunity to set your phone on your side table, take your shoes off and tucked you in I may or may not gave you a goodnight kiss on the cheek too Deku blushed "uh.. Thanks but you didn't have too" Taga said "She loves babying the hell out of everyone Taga thoughts: {well, any anime boys or girls who are too cute and innocent for example Hinata, Yamaguchi, Yuchi from Haikyuu and more even me who isn't a anime character or innocent it's just because I'm short I'm 4'3} Inko came in with bags filled with girl clothes and toilet trees Inko said "you, girls didn't came in with a suit case so, I took the liberty on buying you a lot of stuff for your stay here she smiled I said "thank you, so much Inko I appreciate it" Taga said "thank you, Inko"
Yuki said "thanks, Inko" Inko said "go shower girls and pick whatever clothes you would want to wear today" we bowed because we see that a lot in animes as in greeting people Inko left Deku said "All Might, texted he wants us to get ready for training" we smiled and left into the bathroom taking a bubble bath together after that we dried off with our towels and put our new outfits on

 Thanks but you didn't have too" Taga said "She loves babying the hell out of everyone Taga thoughts: {well, any anime boys or girls who are too cute and innocent for example Hinata, Yamaguchi, Yuchi from Haikyuu and more even me who isn't a anime...

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