The I-island trip

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Still Taga POV:
Me, Yuki, Sakura, and Deku went back to the dorms to pack not forgetting to put our hero costumes and something nice in our suitcase; now we're outside All Might taking us to a plane we went into the plane and settled down All Might said "You guys heard of I-island before?" Deku begun renting about I-island in excitement I said "Isn't it in America?" Right after Deku finished renting All Might said "It is" Sakura thought: {Our home town hm.. what does the mha world made America as} All Might looked out the plane window and said "There it is" Deku squish his cheek against the window seeing I-island in excitement me, Sakura, and Yuki looked out the window as well finally heading off the now landed plane to enter I-island I said "wow" everyone on I-island already knew All Might so, they let us pass we stopped in front of a big home only for Melissa to jump on her Poco stick towards All Might in excitement Melissa jumped onto All Might wrapping her arms around his neck Melissa said "Uncle Might!" All Might said "Melissa! You grown so, big" Deku thought: {is that All Might's friend? She looks so, young} Melissa said "He doesn't know yet I wanted to surprise him he been down lately" All Might said "Your such a kind person Melissa" Melissa looked at us and said "Who are they?" All Might looked at us as well and said "Oh, this is young Midoriya, young Sakura, and young Yuki we waved at her Melissa said "Nice to meet you my name is Melissa Shield Uncle Might's niece she smiles Deku thought: {now that make sense} we noded than Melissa took us inside to see David, Melissa's dad working in his lab David looked up to see us All Might said "Hi, old friend" David said "All Might.. what are you doing here? Melissa said "I knew you were down lately dad so, I decided to call Uncle Might to surprise you" David said "Thanks, Melissa I appreciate it" we caught All Might at his limit All Might figured it out as well so, did David; David said "Melissa, why don't you take our little guests to explore while me and All Might catch up" Melissa said "sure thing" and walked out us following behind

Sakura POV:
I said "Melissa is it?" Melissa said "Yeah" I said "which to explore first Melissa?" We arrived in this place looking at equipment that are on display Uraraka appeared and said "looks like your having fun Deku" we turned around to see Uraraka Deku said "Uraraka, why are you here?" Uraraka said "Looks like your having fun Deku" Deku said "you already said that" I said "Uraraka sweetie let's go I'll hang out with you" Uraraka looks at me and said "Okay" we than heard something outside so we ran out there to see Bakugou competing in a competition using his explosion quirk the girl on the mic said his score but than Todoroki competed in the same competition using his Ice Quirk Melissa said "Whoa are they from your class?" Deku said "yeah" the girl on the mic said Todoroki score than Bakugou grabbed Todoroki collar and said "what are you doing here half and half bastard?!" Todoroki said "I'm here because of my old man" Bakugou growls the girl on the mic said "um.. time to go others want to compete too" Bakugou said "SHUT UP!" The girl flinches Todoroki looked at us and said "Oh, look Midoriya is here" Bakugou uses his quirk to fly up to us and grab onto the railing so, he won't fall "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE DEKU?!" I said "Katsuki, come down you ain't no stripper" Bakugou looks at me and growls I giggled

~Time skipped~

We are now sitting at the table with Melissa Momo; appears and said "Hi, guys" and sits down with us, same as Jirou we were talking until Denki and Mineta came in waiter outfits Deku said "Why are you guys here too?" Denki said "we applied here so, we can wait on beautiful women" Mineta said "The women" I said "Damn guys your desperate" Denki said "well lovely lady what would you like?" I said "A strawberry milkshake and fries please" Mineta said "Strawberry milkshake as sweet as her last name and fries as salty as her attitude what a perfect order" Denki said "Such a perfect order for Ms. Strawberry the goddess" I rolled my eyes and said "thanks guys I appreciate it but go and get my order" Mineta and Denki went to get my order and came back with it I start taking small sips in bliss Yuki and Taga decided to take a fry from my plate to eat I said "Hey!" Melissa said "There's this dance coming up and I got free tickets to give you guys" she handed the tickets out to us Deku thought: {so, that's why All Might told us to pack something nice} Melissa came to Denki and Mineta and handed them their tickets Denki and Mineta thoughts: {She's an angel}

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