Tell me it's not true (Spencer Reid x OC) VERY LONG!!!!

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It was a fine day on Quantico Base for the members of the BAU. Especially for one young genius in particular. Dr. Spencer Reid was sitting at his desk when his phone went off from inside his messenger bag pocket. When he saw the screen, he smiled like a child at Christmas. It was his girlfriend of about three years or something like that, Interpol Agent Stacy Carter (my OC). He read the message, which was as follows: Hey, Spence. I can't come and pick you up from the office. But I did send one of my guards to get you. Love you and hope to see you at home!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo. He raised an eyebrow; Stacy never sent anyone else to get him from the office, she'd usually call him and tell him. 'What's wrong with her?' he thought. Agent Derek Morgan, who was reading the message over Spencer's shoulder, asked, "Why's she not coming, Romeo?" Spencer looked at Derek and shrugged, saying, "I have no idea. She never does this." Then, before Derek could speak, a young man about twenty-five walked through the glass doors and asked, "Which one here is Dr. Spencer Reid?" Spencer, slightly hesitant to stand up, raised his hand and said, "I'm him. May I ask who you are?" The young man, who also had a very thick British accent, answered, "My name is Matthew. You need to come with me right away, Doctor." Spencer, at those words, paled. He'd never think he'd have to hear those words EVER in his life. He asked, "What happened? Is Stacy alright?" Derek whispered, "I think that if Stacy sent someone else to get you and she texted you beforehand shows that she is clearly not alright." Spencer countered, "I had to ask, sue me!" Matthew cleared his throat and said, "Your friend can come as well." Spencer smiled slightly and said, "Thanks. But I do warn you, the rest of the team's probably gonna follow us." Matthew laughed and said, "I figured as much. We have a caravan for your entire team to come and see her. She'll like it, actually." Spencer beamed and said, "Wait right here!" He then ran to the technical analyst, Penelope Garcia, and said, "We're going to go and see Tiffany. Wanna come?" She shot up and said, "Let's go! I miss that woman already!" Spencer and Garcia ran to the bullpen, their hearts beating with anxiety. When they got to the bullpen, the entire BAU was ready for them at the elevators. They piled into the two elevators, ready to see Stacy. Little did they know that Stacy wasn't doing so hot.

She was in the nearby hospital, recovering from a near-death experience with a car and a bazooka pointed at her temple. She never liked guns, so it's kinda ironic that she nearly died at the wrong end of one. As she lay peacefully in a hospital bed, she dreamed. She dreamed about Spencer, her amazingly handsome and smart boyfriend. She dreamed about her future at Interpol and her future with Spencer, which she hoped would continue once she left the hospital. She was in a coma while she had these dreams, or rather, nightmares in some cases. One nightmare stuck with her, and she never ever wanted it to come true. What was this nightmare? Well, she'd see stars shining in the night sky, and then a bomb'd go off next to her, killing her. She was scared of her nightmares, but that one in particular scared the living shit out of her. She had no clue what to make of them. 'I'll tell Spencer when I see him about my dreams,' she said to herself, 'he'll know what to do, I'm sure of it.' As she thought about Spencer, she heard what sounded like nurses talking to a man next to her. She had no clue that Spencer was right next to her, gripping her hand.

Spencer and the team had gotten to the hospital in about record time after Matthew told Spencer where they were going. When they ran into the main entryway, Spencer ran to the desk and said, "Hello, I'm Dr. Reid with the FBI. My girlfriend was brought in here a while ago under the name Stacy Carter. I was wondering if I could see her please." The nurse typed away on her computer and said, "She can't have visitors at this time. Come back in the morning." At that moment, a doctor came out of a room, and asked, "Do any of you agents have the last name Reid by any chance?" Spencer raised his hand and said, "That's me!" He then walked forward, stood in front of him, and pleaded, "Tell me she's alright, please. Tell me it's not true what Agent Andies told me on the ride here. Please, Doctor, is she alright?" The doctor, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline and black glasses, answered, "Miss Carter's not as good as you'd hope. She's in a coma right now, but I'd go see her if I were you. She might not make it unfortunately." Spencer nodded and followed the doctor to Stacy's room, fearing the worst. When he entered, his heart broke into a gajillion pieces. Stacy was hooked up to machine after machine, a breathing tube sticking out of her throat. He let out a strangled sob and grabbed dr hand, rubbing it soothingly, hoping she'd wake up. She didn't. The doctor entered and said, "You need to leave. We have to run some tests on her." Spencer stood up while holding Stacy's hand and countered, "I can't leave her. Not now." The doctor inhaled and said, "She needs her rest, you have to let her heal." Spencer tried to argue with the doctor, but he felt slight pressure on his hand, or rather in his hand. He looked down and right there, looking up at him, was Stacy. She reached for him, wanting a hug. Spencer smiled and hugged her, pulling her as close to his side as he could manage. He then looked at the doctor and said, "See? I told you it wasn't true."

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