A/N: Updated Request Form

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Hello there, my lovely readers! T-Lizzo in the house with an update for your faces! Now, I am starting to apply for graduate school and am working on a book series with a friend of mine on here called Twilightffwriter (the site isn't letting me make this a username, so I'll work on that for her :) ), so that means that while I love getting requests from you guys and making them a reality, I must ask politely that the following form be filled out either in the comments or as a PM to me to the best of your ability. The form is as follows:

1. Name of your Original Character (if it's a reader-insert, please specify)

2. Fandom I am working inside of (movie/TV show/anime/etc.)

3. A character from the above fandom you want me to write for (if it's a celebrity, then you don't have to fill out the above category, just fill out this one and put in parenthesis if they're a celebrity)

4. Plot you want me to write (with any details you can think of; if you want me to make one up, please let me know)

5. Fluffy/Smutty/Both

6. ANY AND ALL miscellaneous information that I didn't give a category above or that you remember and didn't include in the plot section or any of the other sections

And here is the form! If you have a problem with the form, please PM me with your problem and I will do my best to address it! All categories can be filled out to the best of your ability when you request, but I must ask you all to please adhere to this form when you are requesting one-shots for this book. I don't mean to be anal about this, and if I do seem anal about it, then I am sincerely sorry to you all; I love every request I get and I love making your requests a reality. I also do not mean to single anyone out, so if I do, my sincerest apologies. I hope that you all are staying safe wherever you are and know that I will make sure that any requests I get, I will get to them as soon as I am able; bear with me on when they come out, but they will make themselves known to me and I will give them a voice. Now, I will sign off and get to work! Stay awesome and safe, my beautiful readers! :) :D


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