Kaoru/Cherry x Male Reader Imagine

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This oneshot was requested by my brain to write for your faces, so I hope you like it! I do have requests for this book still that need to be written, so I will make sure to get those out as well for your faces! This oneshot may have smut in it, so be advised on that. Now, I've yammered on for too long, let's get to the story!


Okinawa, Japan; the land of skateboarding, surfing, and also men who don't know I exist. You see, I'd lived here most of my life and the only man I'd had the hots for didn't seem to care about a non-skateboarder like myself. My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I had a massive crush on one Kaoru Sakurayashiki, or Cherry Blossom as he was known around the S-race circuit. And this is the story of how finally, I got my wish and he noticed me.

I sighed when my alarm blared at the ungodly hour of 5:30 AM to get me up for work. I hated mornings with a burning passion and I couldn't get out of them since I had an early start to my day. Rolling out of my bed in a tiny apartment in the middle of Okinawa, I stretched and muttered, "Hopefully the students are nice to me today." For context, I was a teacher at the high school, so I always dealt with rowdy teenagers at the beginning of their prime. This also meant that I dealt with them when they didn't care for me, but that's besides the point.

Getting all my things together, I slung my work bag over my shoulder, got my shoes and keys ready, and exited my apartment. I made doubly sure to lock the door when I left since I'd nearly been robbed before and wasn't about to let that happen again. Once I knew my apartment was locked up, I headed to my bicycle and got ready to head to the school and get work done. I didn't care if I saw one of my students on the side of the road as I got onto my bike, but a voice asked, "Y/N? Is that really you?"

My heart raced in a way that I never thought it would and I slowly turned around to face the man who'd held my heart since we were in high school. The pink hair shone in the sun and I stared into the glasses-covered eyes of my high school crush, Kaoru Sakurayashiki. He strode over to me while I blushed, saying, "Hi, Kaoru. It's been a long time."

"Yeah, close to ten years. What're you doing back here? I thought you'd moved to Tokyo to study teaching." That last part was true; I had moved to Tokyo to study teaching. But my heart stopped my brain from answering for probably longer than was safe. I nodded to him and Kaoru asked again, "Are you heading to work?"

I nodded again because I apparently couldn't speak and then said, "I am, yeah. And to answer your previous question, I did go to Tokyo to study teaching. Hell, I could've been a teacher there if I stayed long enough! But something drew me back here that I couldn't get out of and I never looked back." I pulled my slouching shoulders straight and said, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work. I'm going to be late."

Before I could pull myself away from the person I'd been having wet dreams about for literal years, his hand gripped my forearm and said, "Hang on. Can we please talk at least?" I stared at him and the emotion in his eyes was something I don't think I'd seen before. Was it pain? Maybe hatred for me? I had no clue, but I found myself wondering what he was thinking. Apparently, my face said it all and Kaoru elaborated, "I miss chatting with you like old times. I want to spend time with an old friend from high school that isn't the dundering ape at the Italian restaurant."

I thought for a moment and said, "After work, I'll come to Joe's restaurant. I'm going to be late for work otherwise and the students don't like when I'm late." They loved when I was late, but that was for me to know and for Kaoru to never find out. Kaoru smiled at me and finally let me go about my day without a worry. Granted, I had no clue what he had planned later that evening, but as I went to school to do my job, I tried not to get my hopes up in case they came crashing down.

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