A Titan Love (Levi Ackerman x Reader One-Shot)

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This one shot was requested by my brain to make a reality for your lovely faces, so I hope you enjoy! And I will be putting up an author's note soon with a list of anime that I will be adding to this book in the future, so stay tuned for that! Now, imma shut up, and let's get to the story!


No one wanted to be in Trost when the Colossal and Armored Titans appeared and bashed the gate in. But as a veteran of the 104th Survey Corps, I had to be there to help the trainees.  Being a member of the Survey Corps, to me, was a high honor and one I accepted when I joined. It was also here that I met Levi Ackerman, Captain of the Survey Corps and my boyfriend of almost three years. He was off on a mission outside Wall Maria when the aforementioned Titans hit, and I didn't see him until Eren was brought to trial for turning into a Titan, which is where I begin the story.

I sat in the courtroom between Mikasa and Armin as Eren came to, chained to a pole. Armin shook next to me and asked, "What're they going to do to him, Y/N? He didn't do anything wrong!"

"I don't know, Armin. I really don't know," I answered truthfully. No one in the Survey Corps or anywhere inside the walls had turned into a Titan, and Eren had willingly done so twice, by my count. Mikasa was tense next to me and I said, "He'll be alright. Someone's coming to help him."

Before she could retort at me, the courtroom's doors opened and everyone turned to who opened it, excluding Eren. I watched Erwin and the love of my life enter the courtroom and head straight for the judge's table. My heart skipped a beat when Levi met my eyes and mouthed, 'Meet me outside after this.'

I nodded and mouthed back, 'You can count on me. I love you.' I watched his cheeks turn pink as he faced the judge, who I didn't know the name of. I felt eyes on me and I asked, "Can I help you?"

Armin countered, "How do you know Captain Ackerman?"

I didn't answer him right away due to watching Levi beat the crap out of Eren for some unknown reason. After my man served Eren his ass, I answered, "He's my boyfriend."

Armin gaped and Mikasa asked, "You're dating Captain Ackerman?"

I nodded and countered, "That a problem?"

She shook her head and Armin said, "They're letting us go with Captain Ackerman." He looked at Mikasa and exclaimed, "We won't be separated!" Mikasa smiled and Armin asked me, "Are you coming, Y/N?"

"If Erwin asks me, then yes," was my answer. While my original post was on Erwin's squad, I didn't know if he'd want me back with Levi and the gang. But I didn't think on it too hard as the trial ended and everyone filed out; I lagged behind per Levi's request.

As I stood alone outside the closed courtroom, I heard, "You know, pretty women like you should keep a bodyguard around them."

I smiled coyly and said, "Point me in the direction of one and I'll have them guard me."

I turned and when the angelic voice said, "I'm right here, baby. I'll guard both your body and heart." I beamed and ran to Levi's waiting arms; we were exactly the same height. As I hugged the living daylights out of him, Levi said, "You're squeezing me too tight, Y/N. I can't breathe."

I let him go and sheepishly said, "Sorry, darling. I just really missed you."

"Tch. I missed you more, my love. Hanji drove me insane and I almost killed her," was his reply. I giggled at his statement and kissed his cheek. Levi and Hanji got along like a house on fire, so I usually played the mom to them whenever they fought and I was around. But when I went to work with the cadets in Trost, I knew they fought a lot more often from the letters Levi managed to send me. He smiled at me and said, "I'll "happily" report that Hanji is alive, though she really tried my patience."

I giggled and asked, "Did Erwin threaten you with bathroom duty?" Although Levi loved cleaning, he hated cleaning bathrooms with a passion, for some reason.

Levi didn't answer as Erwin said behind him, "Yes, I did. Hanji can vouch for me." He towered over Levi and I and I instinctively held Levi tighter, even though I knew Erwin and was used to him. Erwin chuckled and said, "Sorry for scaring you, Y/N. Petra told me you were here, so I came to say hi."

I smiled, extracted myself from Levi, and gently hugged Erwin so I didn't injure him if he was healing. When I let go, I looked at him and said, "It's good to see you, Erwin. I trust Levi wasn't too much of a handful?"

He answered, "No more than usual. But he did complain a lot about missing you." I cocked my eyebrow at him and he said, "That's actually part of the reason I'm here. Levi agreed to take Jaeger and his two friends on the Scouts so he could make sure Jaeger wasn't dangerous. However, knowing Hanji, she'll try to run so many tests on him it'll be embarrassing."

I nodded and asked, "So where do I fit in?"

Erwin answered, "You were with Jaeger, Ackerman, and Arlert at Trost, so you witnessed Jaeger's two transformations to save Ackerman and Arlert. Therefore, you'd know how he goes it and can help him control it."

Levi added, "And I told him if he didn't ask you, I'd leave the Scouts and join you wherever you were." I looked between him and Erwin, and they both confirmed Levi's statement. When I looked at Levi again, he asked, "Will you join us, Y/N?"

I thought about it for the span of a literal second and asked Erwin, "When do I start, Commander?" The hug I got from Levi was bone-crushing. I knew he'd missed me per what he and Erwin said, but I didn't think he'd missed me that much. I somehow managed to wheeze, "Babe, I can't breathe."

Levi quickly let go of me and immediately wrapped an arm around my waist. I giggled as Erwin conversed with Levi about I had no idea what. I watched Levi and Erwin talking and knew no matter what happened, I was in good hands. And I'd be with the love of my life again, so nothing could go wrong.

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